Home Women's HealthWomen's sexual health Care after a colposcopy

Care after a colposcopy

by Alivia Nyhan
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Women of childbearing age with a family history of cervical cancer or with the presence of a lesion in the vulvar region are candidates for this study. Your gynecologist should indicate the colposcopy; according to the symptoms you present and the result of the vaginal cytology, this specialist will determine if this study is necessary.

At present, an examination is requested when there is a suspicion of a carcinogenic process at the cervix, vagina, or vulvar region level. Next, in this FastlyHealarticle, you will learn much more about this study and the Care after a colposcopy.

What is a colposcopy?

It is a study that the gynecologist indicates and performs to detect cervical cancer. It is a particular way of examining it. Through this procedure, it can be seen magnified. In this way, it is possible to detect easily, as well as quickly, the cellular changes that are occurring in the cervix, vaginal area, or vulvar. Remember that it can turn into cancer if not discovered in time.

If you wonder what a colposcopy is, this test is performed through a colposcope, a device that has a camera with a light to visualize the uterine cervix. This has no contact with the genital region. It is located approximately 30cm from the patient.

This procedure is painless, but you may feel discomfort and even pressure when placing the speculum. Burning or itching may also occur if a biopsy sample is taken, although many describe it as menstrual pain.

This procedure is outpatient. It is performed in the doctor’s office without significant complications for the patient.

Learn more in Cervical Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.

Indications for a colposcopy

The gynecologist, after seeing the results obtained in the Papanicolaou, known as vaginal cytology, will indicate the performance of this study when he is in the presence of the following alterations:

  • Positive HPV ( human papillomavirus ) test.
  • Presence of abnormal bleeding.
  • The patient is going to undergo a hysterectomy.
  • Precancerous lesions on the vulva.
  • Genital warts.
  • Inflammation of the cervix.
  • Precancerous changes in the uterine cervix.
  • Injuries to the vagina.
  • Visual inspection with positive acetic acid.
  • Visual inspection with positive Lugol.

Indications for a colposcopy

Care after a colposcopy

Care after a colposcopy will depend on whether or not a biopsy sample is taken during the procedure.

No sample is taken for biopsy.

If this sample is not taken, you can immediately join your daily activities and have vaginal sex whenever you want. If you take any medications, continue to do so without inconvenience, even contraceptives.

You could only have the following symptoms:

  • Bloodstains on your underwear.
  • Slight vaginal bleeding for 1 or 2 days and, in some cases, it can pass after a week of the procedure, which is normal.

Care for the biopsy specimen

When taking the sample for a biopsy, the following Care should be taken after a colposcopy :

  • Keep a relative rest: you should not make a solid physical effort for 24 to 48 hours after colposcopy with biopsy.
  • You can shower whenever you want.
  • If your doctor tells you to, you should take an antibiotic.
  • You should not have vaginal sex in the next three days after the colposcopy, and this will allow the cervix to heal.
  • Do not douche or medications in this area. It would help if you also didn’t use hot tubs or pools for at least a week.
  • If you have vaginal bleeding, you can put it on sanitary pads.
  • Do not use plugs or put anything in your vagina for at least a week after you have had the colposcopy.

Contraindications of colposcopy

Colposcopy does not have absolute contraindications. However, some precautions should be taken when performing it:

  • This test should not be carried out during menstruation. The best time to do it is in the first half of the menstrual cycle or a few days after the end of the period.
  • This study can be performed on pregnant women. However, try to avoid it if it is unnecessary. Only then will the risk of bleeding and complications during pregnancy be reduced.
  • If the colonoscopy is done to take a biopsy, patients taking anticoagulants should not be done. In this sense, it is necessary to suspend treatment days before performing the procedure to avoid the risk of bleeding.

Risks that you may suffer when having a colposcopy

The performance of colposcopy is safe, so there are very few risks that are run during its implementation. However, some complications may occur in those cases where a sample is taken for biopsy, such as:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Pelvic pain.
  • Fever and chills
  • Increased yellow vaginal discharge, accompanied by a bad smell.
  • Vaginal infection

If you have any of these symptoms after having the colposcopy, you should see your doctor, who will tell you what to do according to the symptoms you present.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Care after a colposcopy, we recommend entering our female reproductive system category.

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