Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy What are normal estradiol levels for getting preganent?

What are normal estradiol levels for getting preganent?

by Alivia Nyhan
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The body produces three types of estrogens, one of them is estradiol or E2, the main female sex hormone. It is found in both men and women, but in them the level is higher and it is manufactured in greater quantities in the ovaries and to a lesser extent in the adrenal glands, the brain and the arterial walls.

As it has a very important function in the sexual maturity of women, it is possible that when noticing any alteration related to it, an analysis is required to know the level of estradiol in the blood. It is especially requested to diagnose certain conditions, for example, problems due to the imbalance of sex hormones, some disease in the ovaries and in the evaluation of the symptoms of menopause. Likewise, the amount of said female hormone is used to monitor fertility treatments and the development of pregnancy.

Therefore, if you are interested in knowing more about estradiol: normal values ​​to get pregnant , in the following FastlyHealarticle we provide you with this and more information about it.

Function of estradiol in women

Although estradiol is a hormone that is produced in both men and women, it plays a very important role in their development, of which its most prominent functions are:

  • It works on the growth of the lining of the vagina, the cervical glands and the fallopian tubes.
  • The development of secondary sexual characteristics begins, that is, the growth of the breasts, hips, and body and pubic hair.
  • It intervenes in the distribution of body fat, directing it mainly to the thighs and buttocks.
  • It stimulates the action of other mechanisms to produce the hormone that induces ovulation in the menstrual cycle.
  • It favors the maintenance and formation of mature oocytes, the precursor of the ovum.
  • It prepares, in conjunction with progesterone, the appropriate conditions of the endometrium for the implantation of the embryo.
  • Boost sexual desire.
  • Keeps skin and other tissues in good condition.
  • It promotes the growth and mineralization of the bones.
  • Improves blood circulation in the coronary arteries.

Normal values ​​of estradiol in women

The amount of estradiol in a woman’s body varies according to the stage of life she is in and the requirements that the body needs based on this hormone. Women who have not yet entered the puberty stage have low levels of estradiol, approximately less than 19 pg / ml, while in a fertile woman it reaches up to 50 pg / ml , being those that are below these the ideal ones to get pregnant. After menopause, it decreases and ranges from 7 to 35 pg / ml.

On average, the normal values ​​of estradiol during the menstrual cycle is:

  • Follicular phase: between 18 to 140 pg/ml.
  • Ovulation phase: 110 to 410 pg / ml.
  • Luteal phase: from 19 to 160 pg/ml.

Estradiol level during pregnancy

From the moment the egg is fertilized and pregnancy begins, the estradiol level tends to increase gradually, reaching its maximum value when the fetus is fully formed and soon after birth. After this event, the concentration of this female hormone falls to the normal value in the first week. The production of estradiol in this stage of women is carried out through the placenta as soon as it is formed, therefore, it decreases when it is discarded.

Next, the normal values ​​of estradiol when getting pregnant are listed , although this reference may have slight variations with those of other laboratories, therefore it is best to go to the specialist to have any questions answered.

  • 1-2 weeks: between 210-400 pg/ml.
  • 3-4 weeks: 380-680 pg/ml.
  • 5-8 weeks: 1,060 to 1,780 pg/ml.
  • 9-12 weeks: 1,650 to 3120 pg/ml.
  • 13-16 weeks: 2,760 to 6,580 pg/ml.
  • 17-20 weeks: 4,560 to 9,620 pg/ml.
  • 21-24 weeks: 8,260 to 13,650 pg/ml.
  • 25-28 weeks: 10,890 to 14,490 pg/ml.
  • 29-32 weeks: 11,120 to 16,220 pg/ml.
  • 33-36 weeks: 13,930 to 21,160 pg/ml.
  • 37-40 weeks: 13,540 to 26,960 pg/ml.

Effects of estradiol during pregnancy

Before, during and at the end of pregnancy, estradiol is essential for this stage to be fulfilled correctly. For pregnancy to be conceived, the first action of this female hormone is to adapt the wall of the uterus and the endometrium , where the development of the fetus will take place. Likewise, it facilitates the passage of sperm by reducing the viscosity of the cervical mucus.

During pregnancy, estradiol improves blood flow in the uterine area and prepares the breasts to breastfeed the baby. In the final stage of pregnancy, for the birth to occur, the hormone stimulates the softening and dilation of the cervix and the lubrication of the vagina to allow the fetus to pass at the time of delivery. In addition, it is involved in the release of oxytocin, whose actions are to cause contractions of the uterine wall and activate the secretion of breast milk, and promotes blood clotting, being important to avoid large blood losses during childbirth.

For these reasons, if low levels of estradiol are present in pregnancy and treatment is not followed, the development of this event may be compromised. The symptoms that the expectant mother may present in case of low estradiol are:

  • Weakness and tiredness
  • Irritability.
  • Reduction of the size of the breasts.
  • Dryness of the skin
  • Vaginal dryness .
  • Alteration of uterine blood flow and other mechanisms that do not allow the correct conception of the child or even increase the risk of a miscarriage .

The main cause of this decrease is due to some problem with the placenta, being essential to go to a specialist to control it and increase the level to a normal one.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Estradiol: normal values ​​to get pregnant , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

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