Home Teeth and mouthGum disease Pus on the gums: Causes and treatment

Pus on the gums: Causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The appearance of pus anywhere in the body speaks of an acute inflammatory process that is usually associated with an infection. When this type of discharge appears on the gum, the most common is that the problem comes from the tooth near that area. In that case there is usually quite a bit of pain and swelling.

It is a problem that must be solved immediately, due to the possibility of complications that include losing the affected tooth. If you want to know more about pus in the gums: why it comes out and how to cure it , we invite you to continue reading this article by FastlyHeal .

Causes of pus on the gums

The gums are the mucosa area of ​​the mouth that covers the teeth. When a part of the gum is affected it is often due to a problem in the teeth that are located nearby.

When pus is lodged due to an infection, it is called an abscess . If the area is red, painful and swollen but there is no pus, it is still talk of phlegmon .

The abscesses that can end up affecting the gum are of different types:

  • Gingival abscess: due to the accumulation of food debris between the gum and the tooth, it becomes infected and leads to the collection of pus. It usually occurs in healthy mouths.
  • Periodontal abscess: affects people who have problems with their teeth and gums, such as recurrent or chronic gingivitis . It is also caused by the presence of a foreign body, the most common: food.
  • Periapical abscess: the starting point is an infection in a tooth. Due to a cavity or injury to a tooth, an infection occurs that affects the deepest parts of the tooth. The pus can be externalized towards the gum.

In addition to the pus on the gums, the symptoms that usually accompany these types of problems are:

  • Intense pain in the tooth, gum, jaw, head.
  • Inflammation of the gums , cheek and face.
  • Heat in the area.
  • Bleeding gums .
  • Pain when chewing or spontaneous.
  • Fever.
  • General malaise, decay.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Pain with heat or cold (when the nerve is affected).
  • Swollen glands in the neck.

How do you know if it’s pus on your gum?

You can tell that it is pus on the gums if:

  • You see a swollen area on the gum and the most prominent area looks yellowish .
  • You have an unpleasant salty taste in your mouth (pus coming from the periapical abscess).

What to do if you have pus on the gums

First of all, you should go to the dentist . Sometimes infections are very important, especially in those who suffer from diseases that lower the defenses (such as diabetes).

It is more than important if you feel:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Difficulty to swallow.
  • You have a fever.
  • General decline.

In the meantime, you can try to calm the discomfort in the following way:

  • Swish with warm water: it is even better if you add sea salt or you do it with sea water. It has anti-inflammatory power and will clean the area very effectively. To do this, keep the water in your mouth for 5 minutes and then rinse by moving it from one side to the other.
  • Clean your mouth properly: cleaning the tooth near the inflammation is vital. Both with a brush and dental floss. If there are remains of food, it is very likely that they are the ones that maintain the inflammation.
  • Swish with chamomile or calendula solution: both herbs have anti-inflammatory power , use them warm.
  • The pure honey has power desinflamante and bactericide. Apply it to the area after you have done the previously suggested cleanings.
  • You can take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen. If you take other medications, it is better that you consult your doctor first. If the nerve is affected it may not be enough, but try not to take stronger medication without consulting first.

What to expect from your dental visit

It is likely that when the dental specialist receives you, they will ask you how you feel, since when, how everything started and your background. Then he will check you out and have an idea of ​​what is going on in your mouth. Sometimes X – rays of the area may be necessary .

If the professional finds a periodontal or gingival abscess, it is very likely that he will try to drain it with a sterile element. You can apply anesthesia beforehand, but you should know that when there are infections the anesthesia may not work properly. Anyway, if this is the case, the relief when the pus comes out will be such that you won’t mind the anesthesia.

If the problem lies in the tooth itself, it will need to be treated. If there are cavities, they must be removed and if the nerve is affected it is likely that endodontics ( root canal) will be necessary.

They will most certainly prescribe an antibiotic to help clear up the infection that causes pus on your gums.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Pus in the gums: why it comes out and how to cure it , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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