Home Teeth and mouthGum disease Inflamed gums: causes and treatment

Inflamed gums: causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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The gums are inflamed when enlarged, prominent, and with an intense reddish or purple hue. The swelling of the gums is a common condition. It is usually caused by an accumulation of bacteria and toxins that are not removed in a form suitable for daily toothbrushing. It can also be a symptom of other conditions, as discussed throughout this Article. It is convenient to treat the inflammation of the gums early to avoid that in the long term, more severe and irreversible oral problems arise, so first of all, you should go to the dentist and follow his instructions carefully. At FastlyHealwe, explain what the causes and treatment of inflamed gums are.

Causes of swollen gums

The swollen gums can result from multiple factors, from mild transient irritation from a dental hygiene product being used to a symptom of periodontal diseases or other conditions that affect health at different levels.

Here are the most common causes of gum inflammation:

Gingivitis is the most common cause of gum inflammation due to the accumulation of plaque and tartar deposits on the gum line. The bacteria and toxins that these deposits produce that end up irritating and inflaming the tissues that support the teeth. In addition to the swelling, it causes symptoms such as spontaneous bleeding or during brushing, sensitivity to the touch, and purple coloration, among others.

  • Periodontitis

When gingivitis is not treated correctly, it can lead to periodontitis. This condition occurs once the inflammation or infection of the gums progresses to affect the ligaments and bone that support the teeth. Once these parts are damaged, the teeth progressively loosen until they can finally fall out. Periodontitis is the leading cause of tooth loss in adulthood.

  • Fungal or viral infection

Swollen gums can be a symptom of certain infections caused by a virus or a type of fungus. There are oral viral infections such as herpetic stomatitis, caused by the herpes simplex virus, which causes ulcers in the oral cavity and inflammation of the gums, swallowing difficulties, drooling, fever and pain.

On the other hand, infections of the mucosa of the mouth caused by the overgrowth of a fungus such as Candida albicans give rise to the appearance of prominent whitish patches or portions in the mouth and other symptoms such as discomfort, irritation, and inflammation of the tongue and gums, slight bleeding when brushing the teeth and pain when chewing. This condition is known as thrush and requires treatment based on antifungal medications.

  • Nutritional deficiencies

The lack of certain nutrients in the diet, such as vitamin C or iron, is another possible factor that can affect the health of the gums, causing inflammation and irritation. In addition, this causes general malaise and weakness, anemia, and skin bleeding.

  • Poorly fitting braces or orthodontics

Wearing braces increases the risk that the gums will become inflamed because it makes it difficult to clean the teeth properly. In addition, the swelling can also appear as a consequence of a normal reaction of the gums to perceive the appliances as a danger. Poorly done fillings, incorrectly placed crowns, or other dental appliances that have not been adjusted should also promote inflammation and redness of the gums.

  • Hormonal changes

The hormonal changes experienced in certain stages such as puberty, during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause can lead, among other symptoms, to inflammation of the gums. In these specific phases, the gingival tissue is more sensitive than usual and is doubly affected by the presence of tartar and toxic substances.

  • Sensitivity to toothpaste or rinse

It is possible that some component of toothpaste or toothpaste is not beneficial to the health of a person’s gums and causes inflammation and irritation in these tissues. When this happens, it is advisable to consult with the dentist and start using another product that is softer and adapted to the patient’s degree of sensitivity.

  • Other diseases

The suffering of some systemic diseases such as diabetes, AIDS, or leukemia cause lesions in the oral cavity, including inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis and periodontitis are two of the most common oral conditions in patients with weakened immune systems.

Treatment of swollen gums

Due to the great diversity of factors that can cause inflammation of the gums, it must be treated according to the specific cause. It is for this reason that it is recommended to go to the dentist in case of perceiving enlarged or irritated gums; the particular diagnosis is essential to be able to solve the problem definitively.

In general, treating inflamed gums requires reducing the bacteria that cause the swelling. When the problem is only limited to the gums, the dentist will carry out professional dental hygiene to remove the bacterial bale and accumulated tartar. It is advisable to have a professional dental cleaning once a year or every six months in the case of sensitive gums prone to inflammation or irritation.

In cases of advanced periodontitis, surgical intervention may be required to open and clean deep deposits of bacterial plaque and reinforce those teeth that have become loose.

In addition to dental treatment, taking anti-inflammatory medication may be recommended to accelerate the reduction of inflammation and reduce discomfort. Likewise, it is essential to take extreme oral hygiene measures at home and acquire habits such as:

  • Brush your teeth after each meal for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste. Also, gently brush the gums and tongue to remove bacteria.
  • After brushing, floss once a day. This eliminates the residues that may have remained between the teeth and are not removed by brushing.
  • Use specific mouthwashes to reduce inflammation of the gums.
  • Change the brand of toothpaste or mouthwash if the sensitivity to these products is contemplated.

To protect the health of the gums, it is also advisable to drink plenty of water during the day to avoid dry mouth and promote the elimination of bacteria, limit the consumption of foods and drinks rich in sugars, and avoid tobacco and excess alcohol. If the gums become inflamed due to the taking of a specific drug, the doctor should be consulted immediately to assess the possibility of changing that type of drug.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Inflamed gums: causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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