Home Skin CareWounds and injuries properties of Honey for health and on wounds

properties of Honey for health and on wounds

by Alivia Nyhan
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Who does not know, Honey? That slimy substance produced by bees is sweet and tasty. Honey is a very healthy product that we incorporate into our diet, and that provides us with multiple properties for our health. However, for hundreds of years, the skin has also been used as an effective remedy to treat wounds, burns, and ulcers. Today, medicine has other resources that we can use to deal with these skin damages, but there is no doubt that opting for this substance is one of the best options if we are looking for a natural remedy. Honey helps heal wounds, and in this FastlyHealarticle, we explain everything about this function.

The properties of Honey for health

Honey is a product made by bees using the nectar of flowers. First, the bees convert the nectar into Honey through regurgitation and evaporation, while later, they store it as a primary food source in the hive. It is then that we can extract this substance for human consumption. It is characterized by its golden color, which can darken depending on the type of Honey, as is the case with heather Honey. These are some of the properties that Honey offers us :

  • Increase our energy. Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals that help us stay vital, forming part of the food for the lack of energy.
  • Improves our digestive system. One of the benefits of Honey is to exert a protective effect on the stomach, helping to treat heartburn problems and ulcers. Its healing and protective effects facilitate the healing of wounds that can occur in the stomach and improves the production of enzymes that improve digestion.
  • Antioxidant effect. Being a product with many vitamins and minerals helps improve the body’s functioning. These antioxidants help eliminate free radicals from the body and reduce premature aging. In turn, it also strengthens our immune system.
  • Cardiovascular benefits. Honey helps eliminate the fats that accumulate in the arterial walls, leading to arteriosclerosis, a hardening of the arterial walls that considerably increases the chances of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

What is the effect of Honey on wounds?

Different types of Honey have been used for hundreds of years with various antibacterial activities. Honey has been studied, and some of them have high antibacterial effects. The manuka honey from the manuka tree has incredible products that help fight bacteria with enzymes that give it a decisive action to heal wounds. Honey that has these concentrations can be used to heal wounds. Still, we must always try to get ourselves with Honey that specialized laboratories have treated for curative purposes. This Honey is treated and given a higher activity through the UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) process. It is essential to observe a label on the packaging in which these acronyms are indicated, to ensure that we get the right quality honey to treat wounds. The higher the UMF level, the better the antibacterial capacity it will have:

  • UMF 20. It is used for medical purposes.
  • UMF 15. It has antibacterial actions.
  • UMF 10. It is the one that is usually used to heal wounds and other skin conditions.
  • UMF 5. It has therapeutic properties; however, it is rarely used for medical purposes.
  • UMF 0. It has no medicinal value.

Honey helps heal wounds.

First of all, we must remember that medical attention will be necessary depending on the severity of the wounds. Here are some tips on how to use Honey to help injuries heal:

  • The amount of Honey used will vary depending on the fluid draining from the wound. Large amounts of fluid generated by the damage will require the use of more Honey.
  • The frequency with which we must change the wound dressing will also depend on how quickly the liquid secreted by the wound dilutes the Honey. Changing the dressing and applying the treated Honey will be less common when it begins to exert its effects on the damage.
  • Try to use bandages that do not allow the Honey to seep through.
  • It can be helpful if, instead of applying the Honey directly to the wound, we add it to the bandage and, later, use it to the damage. Some applications have already been previously impregnated with Honey.
  • Injuries with greater depth will require a more significant amount of Honey to heal, getting it to penetrate inside.

Aspects to consider

While it is true that Honey helps heal wounds, we must be aware that not all Honey has the same effects. Each type of Honey provides some enhanced results compared to the others, so we must choose the Honey that has been made with the necessary functions to treat wounds. This article explains that Honey that heals wounds has been treated in laboratories to have potent antibacterial actions. Therefore, we must see that the packaging contains the initials UMF since it is the only way to guarantee that said Honey will exert the desired effects when treating wounds.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Honey helps heal wounds , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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