Home Teeth and mouthTooth diseases Dental root canal treatment: what it is and why it is done

Dental root canal treatment: what it is and why it is done

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

A simple restoration is often not enough to rehabilitate a tooth and may require more complex procedures, among which are root canal treatments. This procedure is usually carried out to give a new opportunity to a tooth that has suffered from advanced cavities, fractures, multiple extensive restorations, or loss for other reasons of its structure, or to eliminate an infectious process that affects a tooth and it is one of the most frequently indicated treatments in a dental office.

In this FastlyHealarticle, we will explain everything about dental root canal treatment: what it consists of and why it is done so that you know in which situations you should consider having one. You can understand the reasons why it would be done.

What is dental root canal treatment?

A root canal, also called endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure that involves removing the dental pulp or disinfecting the canal that houses it. The pulp is the internal tissue of the tooth, formed by a nerve and the blood vessels that give it life, which is protected by layers of hard tissue that are enamel, dentin, and cementum.

A root canal aims to create a tissue- or bacteria-free environment in the channel containing the pulp, which will later be completely sealed and treated to replace the missing portions of the tooth.

When to have a root canal treatment

Root canal treatments are usually one of the last resources to save a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted, either because it has extensive destruction of its structure or because it is affected by an infectious process that would not remit.

The most frequent indication of this procedure is for teeth affected by very advanced cavities that damage the pulp of a tooth, causing an inflammation that will not return to its normal condition, called irreversible pulpitis, and that is usually accompanied by quite intense pain when stimulated. or spontaneous. A similar situation can occur when a tooth receives a blow that fractures it, exposing the tooth’s pulp or when there is a dental abfraction.

Sometimes, when caries remains for a considerable time, it can cause pulp necrosis, which consists of the death of the pulp as a result of constant inflammation and invasion of bacteria in the root canal, which can advance to the bone that surrounds the root canal—the final portion of the root, producing a periapical abscess.

In other cases, it is necessary to do a root canal treatment to prepare a tooth that has had a relatively progressive loss of its structure but is healthy to receive a crown that requires the placement of a bolt inside the canal to support it. The crown.

Root Canal Treatment: Does It Hurt After?

A prevalent belief among people is that root canals are excruciating procedures, which is why they are often avoided when proposed. However, all patients must know that, as long as it is carried out by someone trained, a root canal is not a procedure that produces pain since they are performed with the prior application of an anesthesia to numb the tooth’s nerve. . In fact, the situations that cause a tooth to be indicated for a root canal are often more painful than the procedure itself.

How the dental root canal is carried out

While general dentists can resolve some simple cases, root canals are ideally performed by dentists specializing in endodontics. A root canal is usually done in one or two appointments, depending on the type of tooth and the dentist’s skill.

The first step of any root canal treatment is anesthesia placement to avoid pain during the procedure. The dentist will place a thin and flexible sheet called a rubber dam around the tooth to be treated to isolate it from saliva and avoid excessive contamination.

Then, the dentist will create access to the pulp chamber, from where he will locate the root canals through which the pulp passes, eliminating living or infected tissue within the roots. The dentist will measure the tooth’s length, either with X-rays or with specialized instruments, and will begin to implement different files to create a suitable condition within the canals.

After this, the dentist fills the entire length of the root canal with a material that prevents the passage of bacteria again; he will seal the tooth with a provisional material which will be ready to receive a treatment of the crown, either through restoration or through of the placement of a metal-ceramic crown.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Dental root canal treatment: what and why it is done, we recommend entering our Teeth and mouth category .

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