Home Teeth and mouthGum disease Gingivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Gingivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Gingivitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gums, which does not touch the bone that surrounds the tooth; for this reason, it is reversible. It is not usually painful, but if it is not treated in time, it can lead to a more severe condition called periodontitis. Gingivitis can appear at puberty due to hormonal changes and recur without proper hygiene. At FastlyHeal, we explain the causes, symptoms and treatment of Gingivitis.

Causes of Gingivitis

Dental plaque is a dense material made up of the remains of food, bacteria, and mucus, which apart from being the leading cause of Gingivitis, is also the main cause of dental cavities. The plaque brings, in turn, the tartar or calculus, and if this is not removed, it begins to irritate the gums, making them sensitive.

Although poor hygiene is the leading cause, other factors can allow Gingivitis to appear; some are controllable, such as smoking and lack of vitamin C and B3. In the case of tobacco, smoke affects our body’s response to the bacteria that cause gum problems, so the longer you smoke, the longer you smoke. There is a greater risk of developing Gingivitis and periodontitis. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause increase the sensitivity of the gums, making them susceptible to this infection.

I am consuming some medications or contraceptives, suffering from systemic diseases such as diabetes, and having incorrectly placed dental braces, prostheses, crowns, or bridges are also risk factors for Gingivitis.

Gingivitis symptoms

The most representative symptom of Gingivitis is bleeding gums, even when using a toothbrush with soft bristles, although some signs will depend on the stage of the infection. In the first phase, the gums bleed when brushing, and the redness is almost invisible. In the second phase, bleeding is abundant, and swelling appears. Finally, in the third phase, bleeding becomes spontaneous, and the tissue that fixes the gum to the tooth is affected.

Treatment for Gingivitis

In this case, the key is to reduce inflammation and stop the accumulation of tartar; from now on, the treatment for Gingivitis will be based on prevention. The dentist will perform an oral cleaning and advise you on the technique to achieve a good brushing; he recommends mouthwash and dental floss. If Dental appliances cause gingivitis, they will be removed and replaced.

After cleaning, you may feel some discomfort, and the bleeding is expected to subside after two weeks. If you prefer natural remedies to reduce swelling, we recommend our article home remedies for Gingivitis.

Complications of Gingivitis

If Gingivitis is not controlled in time, its effect can reach the tissue around the teeth, and the gum can gradually begin to separate. At this point, the gums become inflamed, so it will be difficult to chew food; if this swelling reaches the root of the tooth, it will gradually loosen, and we will find another ailment called periodontitis.

Untreated Gingivitis does not always cause periodontitis. However, a weak immune system is a factor that can influence this progress. Periodontitis is the first cause of edentulousness in adults; it can also cause abscesses and bad breath. This ailment should be treated immediately by a dentist.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Gingivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth.

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