Home Teeth and mouthGum disease Lump on the gum: causes and treatment

Lump on the gum: causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Injuries such as lumps on the gums are quite common and can be bothersome. Although most of the time it is a benign problem, on some occasions it may require an urgent consultation to a dental service. Infections, problems with the tooth that is nearby and even tumors can give rise to a lump in this area of ​​the mouth that we usually call “lump on the gum”.

If you want to know what are the possible causes and treatments of lumps in the gums, keep reading this article by FastlyHealentitled little ball in the gum: causes and treatment .

Abscess or phlegmon

When the gum suffers from an infection we speak of a dental abscess or phlegmon , depending on whether or not they are gums with pus. Gum abscesses can be of two types:

  • Gingival abscess or phlegmon.
  • Periodontal abscess or phlegmon.

In both cases it is an infection due to the permanence of a foreign body or food debris in the area where there is inflammation.

The difference between the two cases is that in gingival phlegmon the person has a previously healthy mouth. On the other hand, in periodontal phlegmon there is usually previously gingivitis, retraction of the gums and the dental roots can be exposed.


For the treatment of a small ball in the gum due to infection, it is important to:

You should not delay the consultation with the specialist if you have a small ball on the gum. The infection can quickly get complicated if proper treatment is not done. This usually consists of cleaning the area, draining the abscess if there is pus (which will improve the pain) and prescribing antibiotics.

Infection in a nearby tooth

In this case, the ball on the gum occurs when the infection is not located directly on the gum, but on a tooth close to the area where you see the inflammation.

This infection that generates a lump in the gum due to inflammation, can also present:

When the problem has been going on for a long time, you can be in the presence of a fistula. This is a connection that was created between the infected area of ​​the tooth and the gum that served to draw pus.

If the lump on the gum becomes chronic and does not heal, it can be quite annoying and can even be complicated by more serious infections and tooth loss.


It is important to get the proper diagnosis from a dental specialist, clean the area and indicate antibiotics.

Third molar eruption

Sometimes you can find a lump in the gum before the tailpiece, third molar or as it is commonly known ” wisdom tooth ” appears in it and appears behind the last tooth.

This usually happens up to the age of 25, but can sometimes occur even later. You may also notice a discomfort in that place or in other surroundings, such as the second molar or the jaw joint.


If you don’t have pain, you can wait for it to fully erupt. If you want to be sure that this is what happens, you should consult your dentist or trusted dentist.

Learn more at Wisdom Tooth: Symptoms and Pain Treatment.

Benign tumor

In some cases, the proliferation of a benign tissue in the gum can occur, which appears in the form of a ball on the gum:

  • Such is the case of epulis , a reddish lesion more common to see in pregnancy. It usually only returns to normal.
  • Fibroids, which are benign solid growths that appear from irritation (for example, from a poorly fitting prosthesis) can also be diagnosed . These do not usually give symptoms.


Depending on the origin of the injury, the choice of treatment will be determined.

The most recommended is to wait. Sometimes it just takes time for the lesion to shrink on its own.

Irritative factors can be corrected (new dental prosthesis or correction thereof, quitting tobacco, for example). This is key to improve any type of injury and avoid complications in the future, such as malignant neoplasms.

However, surgery may also be needed to fix the lump on the gum caused by a benign tumor. But usually these operations are not very large or invasive.

Malignant mass

Perhaps it is one of the most feared diagnoses in the face of the appearance of a new lesion of unknown cause. But you should know that the appearance of malignant lesions on the gum is very rare.

They usually occur in people with a history of chronic irritation, smoking, and heavy alcohol use. Although they can also appear in people who do not have such a history.

Lumps of this type are usually reddish and bleeding. But that a lump on the gum has these characteristics is not necessarily because the cause is malignant.

To have peace of mind, it is best to consult a professional, delaying the diagnosis can lead to serious complications.

A dentist or dentist will perform a biopsy on the lesion to be sure of the diagnosis and thus be able to decide on the treatment.


It consists of the removal of the lesion, usually surgically. Depending on how advanced the process is, other therapies may also be required.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Lump in the gum: causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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