Home Teeth and mouthGum disease Gum pain: causes and remedies

Gum pain: causes and remedies

by Alivia Nyhan
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The gum is a soft tissue surrounding the bone responsible for supporting our teeth and, partially, the teeth themselves. Its primary function is to protect the bone and teeth against possible irritants such as food and bacteria. Being the first line of defense for these structures, their inflammation is persistent, thus producing certain diseases that may be accompanied by pain. We invite you to read this article by FastlyHeal, which is dedicated to explaining everything you need to know about gum pain: causes and remedies to prevent it and know what to do if you are suffering from it.

Swollen gums and pain: causes

Inflammation of the gums is usually the most common cause of virtually any type of gum disorder. Inflammation of the gums also called gingivitis, is a consequence of poor oral hygiene in most cases since not having the correct habits can facilitate the accumulation of dental plaque on the teeth, a film formed by proteins and bacteria. that produce irritation in the gums, and therefore its inflammation and possibly pain. Inflammation of the gums can also be caused by:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • Nutritional problems.
  • Reaction to certain medications such as anticonvulsants.
  • Smoking
  • Diseases like diabetes.

When the plaque remains long enough, it can enter between the tooth and the gum and begin to produce inflammation and consequently loss of the bone that supports the tooth, thus creating what is known as periodontitis, which can also cause pain. And over the years, it can even cause the loss of teeth due to loosening.

Gum pain from infections

In most cases, the infections that occur in the gums are a product of the periodontal diseases described in the previous section. In these cases, the bacteria that are part of the dental plaque can reproduce if the conditions are suitable for them, thus increasing their number and producing a series of damages and reactions in our body.

One of the main symptoms that an infection of this type can cause is inflammation of the area and gum pain.

Food accumulation and pain

One characteristic of when gum inflammation begins to spread to the bone surrounding the teeth is the appearance of an abnormal structure called the periodontal pocket. The periodontal pocket is a pocket formed between the tooth and the bone and has a depth greater than what could be considered normal.

The periodontal pockets can be filled with food after meals, which irritates the gums and causes pain, and supplies the bacteria in the periodontal pocket with food, thereby facilitating their multiplication.

Gum pain of dental origin

Periodontal disease can give rise to gingival migration, which means that the gum moves away from the tooth’s crown seeking to escape the irritation produced by the plaque. This causes part of the root of the tooth to be exposed, a susceptible position for some people, and being so close to the gum; this sensitivity can be mistaken for a sore gum.

Gum pain: medications and treatment

When studying the origin of most pains that are related to the gums, it is easy to see that there is always a relationship with the presence of bacterial plaque. This means that most gum pain can be solved by implementing the correct oral hygiene habits.

Brushing at least three times a day is the basis for proper oral hygiene. This brushing will ideally be accompanied by dental floss to remove the plaque deposited between the teeth and mouthwash to finish clearing any residue. In some cases, interproximal brushes are very appropriate to remove food that accumulates, for example, in orthodontic appliances and very wide or difficult-to-reach spaces between one tooth and another.

Going to a dentist’s office regularly is also essential to avoid the appearance of these conditions with the timely performance of dental cleanings. When periodontitis or infection is already established, the dentist or, in more severe cases, a periodontist specialist will carry out deeper cleanings and often even indicate the use of antibiotics or special chlorhexidine rinses.

When the roots of the teeth are the problem, the dentist can perform a type of restoration indicated for those cases to cover the sensitive part that has been exposed.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Gum pain: causes and remedies , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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