The B12 vitamin, also called cobalamin cobalt to contain, is one of the eight vitamins of the B group and is a vitamin that plays an essential role in protein metabolism, the formation of red blood cells, and the absorption of iron, calcium, and vitamin A.
In FastlyHealwe will know the properties of vitamin B12 and the food sources where we can obtain it.
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It prevents dementia and memory loss.
Memory loss in the elderly is related to a lack of vitamin B12. The deficiency of cobalamin has been shown to lead to behaviors related to senility, such as forgetfulness, childish behavior, irreverence, etc. The consumption of this vitamin in the form of a supplement sometimes helps to correct these behaviors and can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Strengthen the nervous system
Vitamin B12 is responsible for synthesizing myelin, a substance that surrounds nerve cells and has the function of accelerating the speed of transmission of the nerve impulse. When the amount of vitamin B12 in our body is insufficient, nervousness, loss of balance, and other effects occur. When it affects the elderly, they may suffer from tingling in the extremities, especially in the legs, spasms, clumsiness, etc.
Essential in the formation of red blood cells
This vitamin helps form red blood cells, responsible for supplying oxygen to body tissues. When there is a low level of red blood cells due to a lack of vitamin B12, one suffers from anemia. In this case, you should eat foods rich in vitamin B12.
Necessary for proper digestion
The lack of vitamin B12 can lead to problems in digestion and leads to issues such as diarrhea or constipation, and flatulence, among others. On the other hand, low cobalamin levels can be associated with losing appetite.
Protect the heart
The elevated homocysteine levels, an amino acid hurting the heart, are linked to increased cholesterol and hypertension. It facilitates the increase of thrombi in arteries and contributes to less fluid circulation. It has been proven that a low level of vitamin B12 can be related to the rise in homocysteine in the blood.
Other benefits of vitamin B12
- Promotes fertility in men.
- Decrease food allergies, especially those that contain preservatives such as sulfites.
- Contributes to the proper absorption of calcium.
- It strengthens the immune system and acts against the development of infectious diseases.
- Combat chronic fatigue syndrome, reducing fatigue, stress, and tremors.
- It helps decrease tinnitus symptoms, a ringing or ringing that occurs in one or both ears.
How to consume vitamin B12?
The amount of vitamin B12 recommended daily varies depending on the age, sex, and health of each person. Thus, a pregnant woman will need 2.2 micrograms of vitamin B12, while an adult requires 2. A Crohn’s patient will need one dose of 1000 mcg daily. It is evident that, depending on each circumstance, the vitamin will have to be obtained differently. Next, we will see the different options we have to get the vitamin.
Foods rich in vitamin B12:
- Meat . Beef is a rich source of vitamin B12. The liver is the part of the cow with the highest amount of this vitamin. We can also obtain it from pork liver or pork pate.
- Breast of chicken . It is a food that not only contains vitamin B12 but is also low in fat.
- Egg. Eggs are another type of food that we can use to obtain vitamin B12 and, in addition, it contains protein, an essential part of our diet.
- Dairy . Milk and its derivatives are products of this vitamin and help fight harmful bacteria in the intestine.
- Fish . Salmon is rich in vitamins and omega 3, which help control cholesterol. Sardines, like salmon, contain vitamin B12 and omega three and can be consumed easily by not having to remove the bones in the case of canned ones. Tuna contains vitamin B12 as well as vitamin A and D.
- Vegetables. This point is essential for vegetarians since they will have to consume a higher quantity of these products to obtain enough vitamin B12. This is because vegetables do not contain as much vitamin B12 as meat, fish, or dairy. The foods that contain the vitamin are algae, wheat germ, soybeans, brewer’s yeast, and mushrooms.
- Pills as a food supplement. Some medicines contain concentrated B12 vitamins.
Contraindications of vitamin B12
Consuming too much vitamin B12 can have the following consequences:
- Mild diarrhea
- Urticaria.
- Respiratory problems.
- Panic.
- Anxiety attacks.
- Insomnia.
These symptoms usually disappear in a few hours when the body has eliminated the excess vitamin B12. The excess of this vitamin should not worry us more than the deficit since it can be easily destroyed because it is water-soluble.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.