Home Digestive systemDiseases of the anus Itchy anus: causes and treatment

Itchy anus: causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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The anal itching, also known as the itchy anus, is undoubtedly one that can generate ourself significant discomfort and tension very annoying condition. This condition can occur for various reasons, from intestinal problems to allergies to deficiencies in daily hygiene. To treat it, it is essential to determine what causes it and to know the keys to improving the situation and reducing irritation and itching. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain the most common causes of the itchy anus.

Irritation due to excessive evacuation

If you are presenting a picture of diarrhea or, for any other cause, your stools are more liquid and frequent than usual, this can lead to irritation of the anal area and therefore itching in it.

In these cases, it is recommended to wash the anus after each stool with cold water and soap with a neutral pH, thus facilitating the cleaning of the area without the need to use items that could irritate it more, such as toilet paper. Eating an astringent diet to treat diarrhea is equally essential; in this way, we will reduce it and thus reduce the discomfort.

Hemorrhoids, one of the most common causes

Hemorrhoids of both internal and external types usually cause anal itching, especially when we are sitting or during bowel movements, so it is a very uncomfortable condition. This pathology is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Bleeding or presence of mucus when evacuating.
  • Pain in the anal area.
  • The presence of a lump that can be easily palpated, this symptom only manifests itself in the case of external hemorrhoids.

Being diagnosed by a specialist is essential to receive adequate treatment for this condition. In our article hemorrhoids: types, symptoms, and treatments we explain what you need to know about this pathology.

Abuse of irritating foods

If you frequently consume very spicy or spicy foods, foods such as chili or chili peppers, or irritants such as coffee, soft drinks, or alcohol, this could be the reason that you feel an itchy anus frequently. This type of food can irritate not only the intestines but also the rectal area, causing itching, especially during evacuation.

The solution to this problem lies in avoiding this type of food as much as possible and opting for a milder diet free of spicy or pungent condiments.

Allergies in the anal area

Scented toilet paper, wet wipes, or soap can irritate the delicate anal area, producing symptoms similar to those of any allergy, such as redness and itching in the affected area. Using soft and completely perfume-free toilet paper, wet wipes suitable for anal cleansing, and pH-neutral soap is key to giving this intimate area the care it deserves.

Sexually transmitted infections

If unprotected anal sex is practiced, sexually transmitted diseases or STDs can also cause anal itching. Certain conditions, such as HPV in men or women, or candidiasis, can affect the anus, causing discomfort.

If you have had unprotected sexual encounters of this type and suspect that it could be an STD, you must visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Parasites in the area

The annals parasites, more common in children than adults, cause anal itching. This type of parasite enters our body orally and matures in the colon area; then, the females will deposit their eggs in the anal place, which will cause significant itching in the affected one, irritating and even causing infections in the anus.

Once this condition is diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment to eliminate the parasites both in the affected child and, in a preventive way, in their parents or direct relatives who may have been infected.

Other causes of anal itching

  • Poor anal hygiene, it is essential to wash the area with neutral pH soap during the bath and use appropriate wet towels for the toilet to clean the area well after evacuations.
  • I was taking antibiotics, which can cause anal discomfort.
  • Trauma in the area causes an injury that, later when healing, can cause discomfort and anal itching.

Treatment and recommendations for anal itching

If hemorrhoids, a sexually transmitted infection, or anal parasites are suspected, a doctor is consulted as soon as possible. It is appropriate to receive an adequate diagnosis and treatment depending on the pathology in these cases.

To soothe the itching of the anus, it is advisable to apply an ointment composed of hydrocortisone or zinc oxide indicated for the anal area. This product will help significantly reduce itching and irritation while we take steps to limit exposure to what is causing the discomfort.

To reduce anal itching, it is recommended:

  • Use products free of any fragrance, and always wash the area with neutral pH soaps.
  • Thoroughly clean the genital area using soft toilet paper, unscented wet towels, or soap and water.
  • Avoid rubbing the anal area to avoid increasing irritation during cleaning and drying.
  • Opt for cotton underwear, which guarantees comfort and that the area is dry.
  • Avoid scratching; this will only increase the discomfort and irritation, and, in the case of anal parasites, it can favor their spread to other people as they remain on the nails or in the personal objects that you touch.
  • Do not eat irritating foods to avoid an increase in discomfort.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Itchy anus: causes , we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .

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