Home Digestive systemDiseases of the anus Burning in the anus after defecation: causes

Burning in the anus after defecation: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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Do you feel stinging or burning in the anus after defecating and do not know what this symptom could be due to? The truth is that there can be many diseases or conditions behind this condition, so it is essential to pay attention to other types of symptoms that appear to try to find out what the exact root cause may be. Based on this, medical treatment or another should be followed. Anal itching and burning is a symptom that usually intensifies after defecation due to the effort made in it, and it is essential to avoid continuous scratching so that it does not get worse. Infections do not occur due to the injuries we can cause with the nails.

Next, in this FastlyHealarticle, we are going to explain what may be the possible causes of burning in the anus after defecation, and we will give some tips that can help alleviate this discomfort.

Burning in the anus after having a bowel movement from diarrhea

A picture of prolonged diarrhea can cause significant damage to the anal mucosa, irritating it and, in more severe cases, causing the formation of an anal fissure, a condition that we will explain in more detail in the next section. This, in addition to the frequent evacuation of liquid stools, can lead to the appearance of pain, itching, and burning in the anus after defecation.

Diarrhea is a condition that can be caused by various conditions such as gastroenteritis, infectious diseases, food intolerances or allergies, digestive diseases, anxiety or stress, taking medications, etc. When diarrhea does not stop or worsen as the days go by, it is essential to consult with the doctor to find out what the exact cause is and to initiate the appropriate treatment. You should increase your intake of healthy fluids and take oral rehydration preparations or antidiarrheal medications. In addition, it is advisable to follow an astringent diet to try to restore intestinal transit.

In the following article, you can see in more detail what are the causes and treatment of diarrhea.

Stinging and burning in the anus from anal fissure

One of the most common causes of itching and burning in the anus after defecation is anal fissureThis is a wound or tears in the anal mucosa, usually due to constipation, prolonged diarrhea reduced blood flow to the area, or childbirth.

Among its most characteristic symptoms is intense pain during the evacuation, which can last after it and be accompanied by itching, stinging, and burning in the anal area. It is also possible that the stool contains light red blood and that the affected person feels a feeling of heaviness in the rectal area throughout the day.

There are anal fissures that heal spontaneously; however, in other cases, medical treatment may be required, including anesthetic ointments, use of stool softeners, taking laxatives, or botulinum toxin injections or surgery for those cases in those that do not work the previous treatments. Likewise, it is recommended that modifications be made in diet and lifestyle habits to combat constipation or diarrhea.

Itching and burning in the anus when defecating due to hemorrhoids

Another possible condition that can answer the question of “why does my anus burn when I defecate and afterward” is hemorrhoids , commonly called piles. It is about dilations of the rectal area veins that are manifested by the appearance of bumps around the anus that usually cause pain, itching, and anal itching, which is more intense during and after bowel movements. Due to the strain exerted during bowel movements, bleeding can also occur.

Hemorrhoids are usually the result of constipation or other situations or conditions that lead to increased pressure in the anus, such as prolonged standing or sitting in poor posture, being overweight, exertion during childbirth, or suffering from diseases such as liver cirrhosis. The following article explains the types, symptoms, and treatments for hemorrhoids.

Burning in the anus from fungi

Itching and burning in the anus after having a bowel movement can also be a symptom of a yeast infection called an anal or rectal yeast infectionGenerally, this results from a yeast infection in the genital area that has spread to the rear. In the rectum, yeasts can find the perfect environment to increase and grow excessively, which causes symptoms such as itching and stinging in the anus, redness, inflammation, rough and scaly skin, discomfort during bowel movements, and, sometimes, the presence of small blisters.

To treat anal fungi, treatment with antifungal drugs should be started, which can be administered locally or orally. In addition, it is essential to take extreme hygiene in the area, suspend anal intercourse until the infection is cured, and avoid wearing clothing that is very tight to the body.

Parasites that can cause constant burning in the anus

In addition to fungi, some parasites can also cause an infection that manifests itself with itching and stinging in the anus. The most common is the so-called pinworms or intestinal worms, which cause intestinal disease in which there are small white worms in the large intestine. These worms reproduce and, later, house their eggs on the margins of the anus, which is what would give rise to suffering from intense itching and burning in the anus, although this symptom occurs with greater intensity at night.

This type of infection is more common in children than in adults and must be treated with the appropriate antiparasitic drug and extreme hygiene measures to avoid contagion.

Anal warts from HPV

Considering the possible causes of burning in the anus after defecating, we must also mention the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection, which can also be suffered in the anal region and manifested through the so-called anal warts. HPV represents one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases and is often caused by having sex without adequate protection.

When the disease is symptomatic, the main sign is usually the appearance of a kind of warts or condylomas in the affected area, which can be pinkish or gray, soft, and appear in the form of clusters. They are often accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning, increased humidity, and bleeding after sexual intercourse.

HPV does not have a definitive cure, but a series of treatments can be carried out in case of its condition; among these, we find the application of creams on warts, cryotherapy, electrocautery, laser, and surgery. Discover much more information about it in the article Warts in the anus: causes and treatment.

Dermatological conditions that can cause itching in the anus

The itching and burning in the anus can intensify after defecating when the area suffers from skin conditions such as the following:

  • Atopic dermatitis – A skin condition characterized by symptoms such as severe itching, scaly rashes, redness, and irritated and dry skin.
  • Psoriasis: a condition that has symptoms such as itching and redness and that can be confused with other types of situations.
  • Contact dermatitis: due to the use of products or substances on the skin of the anus that is irritating or causes an allergic reaction.

Home remedies for itchy anus

Now that you know the possible causes of burning in the anus after defecation, you must follow the appropriate treatment based on them because, as we have already mentioned, specific treatment should be started in each case.

Here are some home remedies for burning in the anus and a series of cares that can help relieve discomfort momentarily:

  • Take sitz baths with warm water and a little baking soda or Epsom salt.
  • Add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to the bathwater and take a relaxing bath for about 20 minutes.
  • Apply some pure aloe vera gel to the itchy and burning area.
  • Add 1 cup of oatmeal to the bathwater and take a bath for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Avoid scratching the area frequently, as this could make symptoms worse.
  • Avoid using scented toilet paper and clean the anal area carefully and make sure it is as wet as possible. You can do the cleaning with a wet wipe and dry with dry toilet paper afterward.
  • Avoid wearing tight underwear.
  • Try not to sit in the same position for many hours.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Burning in the anus after defecation: causes, we recommend that you enter our category of Digestive system .

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