Have you ever heard of the tear duct? This tube is part of the vision system and is responsible for the drainage of tears through the nasal bone towards the back of the nose.
This duct is also called the nasolacrimal duct because of its relationship with the nasal region. The tear duct can be affected by various causes such as obstruction, trauma to the face, allergies, and infections, which can cause inflammation of the duct and itchy eyes.
In this FastlyHealarticle, you will learn about everything related to itchy and inflamed tear ducts: causes and treatment.
Table of Contents
Ocular allergy is one of the most common causes of inflammation and itching of the tear duct. It occurs more frequently during the spring due to the different allergens found in the environment:
- Poland.
- Moho.
- Dust.
- Pet hair, in addition to their saliva.
- Medicines or cosmetics.
People sensitive to these allergens can trigger an allergic reaction, causing inflamed and itchy tear ducts and red eyes.
In cases where allergies cause inflammation and itching in the tear duct, you should take these tips into account to avoid their appearance at certain times of the year:
- Wear eyeglasses or sunglasses.
- Monitor the humidity levels in your home, especially inside bathrooms and the basement. In this way, you can prevent the presence of mold.
- Keep all areas of your house clean; to reduce allergy to dust, you can place humidifiers.
- If you are consuming any medication or applying a cosmetic product to eliminate the allergic reaction, you should suspend its consumption or application for a while and visit your doctor.
- When you suffer from a severe allergy, it is indicated that you go to your doctor, who will indicate an antiallergic to solve this situation according to the symptoms you present.
Eye irritations become apparent after coming into contact with some chemicals, such as:
- Chlorine from swimming pools.
- Soap.
- Air conditioner.
- Contamination.
These substances cause inflamed tears and itching of the eye in general, with the appearance of red eyes.
The treatment of eye irritations will be based on avoiding contact with these harmful substances and, in turn, the application of artificial tears in the eye area.
If the discomfort is not reduced by applying drops, you should visit the ophthalmologist.
Dry eye often causes inflammation of the tear duct, accompanied by itchy eyes due to poor eye hydration, producing what is known as dry eye and is usually evidenced in the following cases:
- Older adults.
- When staying for long hours in dry environments (with air conditioning).
- If the use of glasses is abused.
- Hormonal changes during menopause.
- Waiting for many hours in front of a computer screen.
The treatment for dry eyes is based on keeping the ocular conjunctiva lubricated with the frequent use of artificial tears, also taking a break regularly; this way, you will avoid inflamed tear ducts and itchy eyes, in addition to red eyes.
If this does not improve, it will be necessary to go to your trusted ophthalmologist.
You can consult the article Home remedies to relieve dry eyes.
Eye infections are present due to the presence of microorganisms, either viruses or bacteria, in the tear duct, generating the following symptoms that accompany the disorder:
- Itchy eyes, causing red eyes.
- Burning eyes.
- Pain in the eye
- Tear inflammation.
- Thick mucus (known as legaña).
- Edema palpebral.
- Sensitivity to light.
The ophthalmologist will start the antibiotic-based treatment under the presentation of drops or ointment, to be applied every 6 or 8 hours and thus solve the eye infection that causes the inflamed and itchy tear.
Visual fatigue
Eyesight can be affected on a day-to-day basis by eyestrain, and eyestrain is caused by:
- Spending many hours in front of a screen.
- Driving very long stretches.
- Exposing yourself to the sun for a long time without protection.
If you do not take adequate measures to protect your eyesight and take enough breaks, you will suffer from eyestrain, which is why the following symptoms will appear :
- The first thing that appears is the inflammation of the eye and red eyes.
- Eye inflammation is accompanied by itching and stinging of the eyes.
- Then the headache will occur.
- You can even suffer from tearing and blurred vision.
If you have eyestrain, ideally, take regular breaks during your workday to rest and blink every so often.
Ultraviolet rays can also affect you, so it is advisable to wear sunglasses.
If this is your situation, you may be interested in the article Exercises to rest your computer’s eyesight.
An injury or trauma to the face can cause bone damage or scars near the tear duct, which can interrupt the typical path of the tear, giving rise to the appearance of tear inflammation or obstruction of the tear duct, accompanied by the inflamed tear duct and itchy eyes.
A medical evaluation will be necessary to verify the type of injury and its severity in trauma cases.
If necessary, a surgical resolution will be evaluated to correct the injury and restore the normal functioning of the tear duct.
Lacrimal obstruction
The obstruction of the tear duct prevents the drainage of the tears, which causes the eye to cry constantly. This obstruction can appear due to the presence of:
- Internal injuries at the nasal level.
- Trauma
- Eye infection
- Profuse nasal discharge
In this case, the treatment will start with the medical examination of the ophthalmologist. In many cases, the solution is a surgical treatment to eliminate the discomfort caused by the tear duct blockage.
Nasal septum deviation
Nasal septum deviation can be congenital or caused by trauma to the nasal region. This can lead to symptoms such as:
- Obstruction.
- Inflammation in the eyes.
- Itching and tearing of the eye.
Nasal decongestion is the first thing that should be done to control the symptoms caused by the deviation of the nasal septum, and the otolaryngologist will recommend the treatment.
If the expected results are not obtained, we will proceed to septoplasty, which is the surgical resolution of the deviation of the nasal septum. This consists of correcting the deviated septum by placing it in the center of the nose; in this way, the cause generating the inflammation and obstruction of the tear duct will be eliminated.
Learn more about deviated nasal septum: causes and treatment.
The presence of volume increases or tumors in the nasal region, such as nasal polyps or hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate, can affect the drainage of the tear duct, obstructing it, which generates:
- Eye inflammation.
- Itchy eyes
- Sometimes pain in the eye.
In the presence of a tumor or increased volume in the nasal region, you should go to the otolaryngologist and the ophthalmologist. They will evaluate your case, make the diagnosis and corroborate their presence at the nasal level.
They will decide if the surgical resolution is recommended for its removal to resolve the alteration.
How to prevent tear inflammation and itching
If you suffer from this disorder and want to prevent inflammation of the tear duct and itching, follow these recommendations:
- Maintain adequate lighting in your workplace.
- Use approved sunglasses to prevent UV rays; in this way, you can isolate yourself from allergens or external agents.
- Work with rest periods of 20 seconds if you have to spend long periods in front of the computer.
- Keep a distance of 30 cm from the computer; with this, you can prevent the appearance of visual fatigue.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Inflamed and itchy tear duct: causes and treatment, we recommend entering our Eyes and vision category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.