Blood in the eye: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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The conjunctiva is a transparent and elastic mucous membrane that lines the eyeball and comprises a series of blood vessels and capillaries. Its function is to protect and defend the eye from external agents and provide lubrication to the cornea. When your blood vessels become inflamed, they can rupture, causing a blood leak called a subconjunctival hemorrhage.

This small amount of Blood causes a red spot in the eye that many people are alarmed at. However, this is a fairly common situation and is generally harmless. In addition, it does not usually cause discomfort or pain. At FastlyHeal, we explain the Causes of Blood in the eye.

Increased pressure

Inevitable sudden increases in pressure can be the source of a spot of blood in the eye. For example, having a coughing or sneezing attack, blowing your nose, vomiting, lifting a heavy object, or making any similar effort can suddenly increase your blood pressure and cause a capillary to rupture, which is not anywhere near worrying.

Blood in the eye after being hit

Subconjunctival hemorrhage can also appear after receiving a blow to the eye or even after rubbing it more vigorously than average. And is that the eye acts like any other part of our body; If you are hit on the leg, a bruise will probably appear due to a ruptured blood vessel and the accumulation of Blood. The same happens in our eyes.

Arterial hypertension

Hypertension is a disease characterized by a continuous increase in blood pressure above the values set as healthy. Hypertension constitutes one of the most significant risks of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks, stroke, or kidney failure. By affecting the arterial vessels, the appearance of blood in the eye can signify that we suffer from this problem, which should be treated immediately.

Mellitus diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs when the pancreas cannot make enough insulin necessary to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood or when the body’s cells do not respond to it. The accumulation of glucose damages the blood vessels progressively, so it can manifest itself with a rupture of the same and produce the subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Anticoagulant medications

A series of drugs, such as aspirin or warfarin, is indicated to prevent the formation of thrombi, which considerably thin the Blood and prevent clots from forming. When the Blood is very fluid, the risk of bleeding is also higher, so taking excessive amounts of this type of medicine can cause a stroke. The same occurs with certain disorders that affect blood clotting.

When excessive blood occurs in the eye, or it appears repeatedly, it is best to go to an ophthalmologist who examines your eyes and evaluates the possible causes of the problem so that he can find the origin and recommend a specific treatment. This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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