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Blurry vision: Symptoms & causes of blurred vision

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Do you feel that lately your eyesight is not the best ? If your eyes are tired, it is difficult for you to distinguish objects clearly, you are experiencing frequent headaches or at the end of the day you have great visual fatigue, it is time to go to a specialist. Although in the first instance it is the ophthalmologist who must carry out a first review to rule out any ocular condition, the sensation of blurred vision can also be due to other health problems, so it is important to cover all the possibilities, especially if you suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes. In this FastlyHealarticle we explain in detail the possible causes of why you see blurry while planning your medical appointment.

Vision problems, the first suspect

If you notice that you cannot distinguish objects so clearly, that your vision from near or far is blurred, you have visual fatigue and you have also started to have frequent headaches, the first thing you should do is rule out an ophthalmological problem .

In the event that you already wear glasses but have not seen a check-up for a long time, it is possible that the diopter of one or both eyes has increased and that, therefore, the formula you are currently using is not adequate. If, on the other hand, you do not wear glasses, then it must be ruled out is an eye problem.

The main causes of blurred vision at the ophthalmological level are:

  • Myopia

It is one of the most common visual problems, it consists of the difficulty to see clearly objects that are far away, which makes us perceive them in a dim or blurry way, depending on the diopter with which we have.

  • Astigmatism

It occurs in people whose cornea does not have an equal curvature, this causes the light to focus more on a point on the retina, resulting in blurred and distorted vision of objects, both near and far. In addition, there may be difficulty in perceiving small details regardless of the distance, if there is another visual disorder, eye fatigue, headache and dizziness may be manifested.

  • Farsightedness

It is a disorder in which close vision is difficult, seeing blurred or poorly defined objects. It is less common than myopia, presenting symptoms such as visual fatigue and headaches, if it progresses without treatment it can make it difficult for us to distinguish objects from afar.

  • Presbyopia

It occurs when the lens of our eyes loses elasticity, which affects its ability to focus correctly on objects, causing problems to see closely. It usually manifests itself after the age of 40.

  • Macular degeneration

It is a common condition in people over 60 years old, it occurs when the macula degenerates due to the passage of time, which consequently affects the central vision and the ability to perceive details. This condition causes blurred vision especially when reading, distorted vision and problems with the perception of colors.

  • waterfalls

Another very common condition in older people, occurs due to the presence of an opacity in the lens of the eye, this can make it difficult to see at night, make the eyes sensitive to lights and decrease the sharpness and visual acuity.

Vision changes from underlying conditions

The causes of blurred vision are not derived solely from strictly ocular problems, in many cases the presence of underlying diseases causes vision problems that it is essential to attend to in order to prevent them from degenerating and becoming complicated.

If you suffer from high blood pressure , suffer from multiple sclerosis, diabetes or have problems with glucose, then this could be the reason why your vision is blurred. The main ocular pathologies associated with these conditions are:

  • Glaucoma

It occurs when the pressure in the eye increases which will cause eye damage such as difficulty seeing at night, narrowing of peripheral vision, blind spots in the eyes and, if it progresses without treatment, it can lead to blindness. Diagnosed in time, it is completely treatable, however high blood pressure and blood glucose level must be controlled , conditions that are often responsible for this pathology.

  • Diabetic retinopathy

It occurs when there is damage to the blood vessels and the back of the eye due to high levels of glucose in the blood. It is one of the complications of diabetes and can lead to blindness.

  • Optic neuritis

It is an inflammation of the optic nerve that can cause a sudden reduction in vision, it usually occurs in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. It is characterized by a sudden loss of vision within a few hours, accompanied by pain in the eyes and discomfort.

Other causes of blurred vision

  • Migraines or severe headaches.
  • Eye infections
  • Detached retina.
  • Inflammation of a cerebral artery.
  • Stroke
  • Presence of a brain tumor.

The importance of going to the doctor

The causes of blurred vision are broad, and in addition to the conditions mentioned in this article, a large number of pathologies can produce this symptom. The only way to determine the cause of this problem is to go, in principle, to an ophthalmologist. It is important to inform the specialist if you have chronic diseases and how long the discomfort has been manifesting.

If the blurred vision appears suddenly and gives the sensation that we have a curtain in front of our eyes, or if it is accompanied by a severe headache, it is recommended to go immediately to a health care center as it could be treated for a stroke or stroke .

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I see blurry , we recommend that you enter our Eyes and Vision category .

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