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How often can I take Viagra

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Who has not heard of Viagra? This blue drug revolutionized treatments for erectile dysfunction or impotence, allowing men who suffered from these problems to have regular sex. The problem is that this “drug” very soon became a product consumed by people who do not need it through its illegal sale. Although it is a drug that is effective, we must think about its possible side effects and know that it must be taken under a medical prescription. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will explain how often you can take Viagra and other aspects of it.

Viagra: the pill

Viagra was approved in the US in 1998, even though tests had already been carried out to confirm its effectiveness for years. It soon became the best-selling drug in history without being considered a drug. This pill, since this is how people conceived it, more than as a medicine, was perceived as a form of fun that improved sexual encounters, regardless of whether or not they suffered from dysfunction problems. For this reason, Viagra stopped being a remedy to treat sexual situations and became something similar to a drug, And like all drugs, it leads to addiction. Consumers had and continue to have a great acceptance of Viagra. Even though it is known today to be potentially dangerous when not consumed, they are responsible. This problem is accompanied by the fact that, despite the need for a medical prescription to be able to obtain the pills and to be purchased in pharmacies, it began to be illegally marketed in several establishments, like any other drug. Thus, this blue pill became the new drug sold in discos and nightclubs, conceived as one more way of fun and to live satisfactory sexual experiences, forgetting the number of risks that it can entail if it is mixed with other drugs or alcohol.

Effects of Viagra

Viagra dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow, thus allowing men with erection problems or erectile dysfunction to have a proper erection when having sex. Erection problems occur when the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis are not dilated enough. When the man is excited, the body secretes a substance, the muscle of the penis relaxes, and the blood is directed towards the penis, causing the erection. Viagra removes an enzyme that makes an erection disappear, making it last longer.

Aspects to consider about Viagra.

  • Viagra does not act as an aphrodisiac since it does not increase sexual desire.
  • It is unnecessary to take it before having intercourse, but it can be administered up to 4 hours before, so intercourse under its influence is possible during these hours.
  • Viagra does not solve premature ejaculation problems.
  • Viagra does not work to increase sexual desire in women.

How often can I take Viagra?

One of the most frequently asked questions about Viagra is how many times it can be taken. First of all, it must be borne in mind that before taking this pill, you should go to the doctor so that he can provide the prescription in addition to avoiding risks that it’s taking due to any condition or disease could entail.

Viagra should be taken a maximum of once a day, leaving a minimum of 24 hours between each intake. Despite this general condition, the doctor may advise a lower dose or the need to wait longer between takings. It is precisely for this reason that going to the doctor is vital. Some men may have cardiovascular problems or other ailments that they are unaware of, which can be accentuated by taking Viagra. In case of an overdose of this medicine, some symptoms may occur, such as nausea, chest pain, arrhythmias, and other dizziness or dizziness.

We must be aware that Viagra is a drug, like any other, that serves to treat a problem, so it should not be conceived as a simple pill that improves sexual relations.

Side effects

In the case of taking Viagra, some of the side effects that may be experienced with the following:

  • Headache, stomach upset, back pain, stuffy and runny nose, dizziness, and nausea.
  • Priapism . This is known as a prolonged erection. It happens when it lasts more than four hours, and you should see a doctor to avoid damage to the penis.
  • Loss of vision in one or both eyes. It can be caused by a severe eye problem of non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.
  • Sudden or partial loss of hearing. Some people may experience ringing in the ears or dizziness.

In any of these cases, you should see a doctor immediately. Also, Viagra should not be taken in the following circumstances:

  • If you are taking medications for chest pain or stimulators and those intended to treat pulmonary hypertension.
  • In case of being allergic to any of the components of Viagra.

In this article, you can see foods to increase sexual desire.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How often can I take Viagra , we recommend that you enter our Sexuality category .

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