In the body of a pregnant woman, everything changes and that implies that the organs are also preparing for pregnancy, including the heart. The heart rate of a pregnant woman increases due to increased blood pressure and therefore the heart needs to pump more. The volume of blood that the heart pumps per minute increases by approximately 50%, but there is no need to worry as the mother’s heart is prepared to withstand this cardiac surge. In fact, it is said that the pulsations of pregnant women are similar to those of an active athlete. However, it is normal to wonder how much it is normal or when it is alarming. To clear up any doubts, in this FastlyHealarticle we tell you how many pulsations are normal in a pregnant woman .
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Normal pulsations in pregnancy
The heart expels blood through one of its valves and reaches it through the other. In this way the pulsations, also called heart rate, are measured per minute and count the times that the heart performs the entire procedure of emptying and filling its two chambers.
The pulsations are measured at rest and one of the most homemade and easiest ways to do it is by placing the index and middle fingers on the veins that run along the inside of the wrist. What we notice is the systole (contraction of the heart) when it expels the blood to the rest of the body. In this way we can see how many beats per minute we have.
In normal conditions women usually have between 60 and 70 beats per minute . However, that depends on each woman, since younger women will have a higher frequency than older women, and the same happens with weight. If a woman is overweight her heart rate will be higher than that of a slimmer woman. Although they are always usually located in that range of pulsations.
However, during pregnancy the heart rate increases and the woman can have between 80 and 90 beats per minute . Pregnant women usually notice an increase of 10 to 20 more beats per minute during pregnancy. Even so, it also varies depending on the woman and her physical condition. Higher heart rates also lower blood pressure in pregnant women. The uterus is receiving more and more blood due to its action during pregnancy and that is why the rest of the heart pumps more.
The heart is prepared to undergo this increased heart rate. Even so, taking your blood pressure from time to time, not taking stimulant substances such as coffee or doing normal activity without overexertion are advisable measures so as not to put our health at risk during pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs more visits to the gynecologist not only for the fetus but also for her own health. Faced with any rise in heart rate that is too high or, on the contrary, very low, it is important that you go to your gynecologist as soon as possible.
Causes of increased heart rate
We have already seen that the uterus is working more actively and therefore needs more blood, but we are going to see other causes for this increased pulsation during pregnancy.
- Not only does the uterus grow, but so do the placenta and the fetus as the pregnancy progresses. Both three need more blood from the heart and that is why the heart has to work harder.
- The body needs to feed and nourish itself and the mother’s body pumps more blood for this. In addition, during pregnancy there are circulatory changes that also change the level of blood flow.
- Another cause is hormonal changes that affect the tone of the blood vessels.
- It also helps the increase in metabolic level and core temperature.
- The pregnant woman breathes in and out more air from her lungs during breathing.
- During pregnancy, the woman gains weight and takes on a few kilos that, depending on the woman, will be more or less, but whatever this weight gain increases the heart rate.
- The placenta secretes a hormone that makes the thyroid gland more active. Therefore during pregnancy more thyroid hormones are secreted and this increases the heart rate. That is why many pregnant women have palpitations, sweats and sudden mood swings. However, it does not mean that it is hyperthyroidism.
When to go to the doctor
As we have seen, it is normal to suffer some palpitations during pregnancy or small tachycardias in which you think your heart is going to come out through your mouth. Especially if you have been doing any physical activity that requires effort or you have been lying on your back. In these cases it is convenient to relax and breathe deeply until it disappears.
You can avoid tachycardia during pregnancy by trying not to gain too much weight (although gaining weight is inevitable and normal, but not excessively), do some type of moderate exercise or relaxation such as yoga, sleep on your side and rest as necessary.
However, when:
- Tachycardias are very followed
- Tachycardias occur at rest
- They are too strong
It is advisable to go to the emergency gynecologist as it could be a problem. More than 130 or 140 beats per minute is too many even in pregnancy. As we have seen, they are usually between 80 and 90 but there are women who can reach 100 from time to time. If they occur sporadically and, as we have seen, after making some effort, there is no need to worry. But if the pregnant woman has 110, 120 beats per minute continuously and / or they go up to more than 130, it is better to visit the doctor to perform a complementary test. During pregnancy, although it is not common, complications such as heart disease or congenital heart disease can occur .
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to How many heartbeats are normal in a pregnant woman , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.