During pregnancy, mainly in the first months, it is very typical for women to suffer from fatigue and want to sleep constantly. Although the expectant mother must consult with a specialist, sleep can be a disorder symptom. In general, this is a ubiquitous feature of pregnancies, so there is no need to fear if a doctor is closely monitoring the woman’s evolution during this stage.
Suppose you are a woman expecting a child and wonder why I am very sleepy during pregnancy. In that case, we advise you to read the following FastlyHealarticle, as you will find all the information to answer this and other questions you may have about this new and beautiful stage.
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What causes so much sleep in pregnancy?
The tiredness and sleepiness that women experience when their child is developing in their tummy are mainly due to the physiological and hormonal changes that the body goes through, although this is usually much more noticeable during the first weeks; however, this feature can be shared throughout pregnancy.
Of the many hormones that revolutionize the entire body, the one known as progesterone is the most remarkable. This is because its level undergoes a significant change, increasing above 500%, and it has a fundamental role in the correct development of the pregnancy and the growth of the fetus; however, this imbalance in the amount of this hormone can cause various side effects and both constant tiredness and sleep are the main symptoms of this alteration.
In the first months, the woman’s body must offer many nutrients that are essential for the baby to develop properly. Likewise, the body is responsible for generating the placenta that will nourish the baby during the nine months of gestation. These biological processes can require a great deal of energy, which is why the body prioritizes the development of pregnancy, leaving little power for everyday tasks.
Despite the above, sleep and fatigue are not left behind after the first few weeks. This is because changes in the body continue to occur; for example, blood flow begins to be more destined for the placenta and the fetus.
It is essential to know that as the expected baby grows, the dream does. The weight of the tummy over time, the inability to find a good sleeping position, and the hormonal changes that continue to occur mean that the expectant mother needs constant rest until she gives birth to her child, so being very sleepy in the third trimester of pregnancy is also common.
How to avoid being too sleepy and tired in pregnancy
If, after questioning why I am very sleepy in pregnancy, you try to find ways to cope with this stage in the best way without being so tired, there are specific tips that can help you considerably.
A tired expectant mother needs to rest throughout the day as many times as possible. In other words, it is essential to relax or take a little nap during the hours that pass. Despite this, it is also necessary that they do not stop doing all their daily activities, as this could cause even more sleep.
For women who tend to go to bed late at night, it is recommended to change their lifestyle and go to sleep earlier. It is essential that they try to sleep more hours than usual and, if they cannot get it, they should make the most of the weekend to rest and regain energy.
Diet is another crucial factor that can directly affect a pregnant woman’s sleep. It is essential to follow the instructions of a specialist and have a healthy and balanced diet to regain strength throughout the day. Your doctor may recommend adding foods with many essential nutrients and vitamins, such as iron, folic acid, iodine, and calcium.
As explained above, leading a sedentary life during pregnancy can cause even more fatigue than usual. For this reason, if the specialists give the authorization and it is done under supervision, very light exercise is recommended. Taking walks daily can help combat sleep and, at the same time, make a woman feel much better both physically and emotionally.
How to fall asleep during pregnancy
Although the postures will change depending on each woman and the month of pregnancy, certain positions can help you sleep better, for example:
- On your side with a pillow between your legs.
- With the feet are supported on several cushions so that they are elevated.
- Elevated using pads on the neck and back to not completely lying on your back.
If, after trying these poses, you still find it difficult to sleep, we recommend that you:
- Cut back on caffeine.
- Don’t smoke or drink alcohol.
- Drink fewer fluids during the last hours of the day before going to sleep.
- Avoid eating hefty meals at night.
- Eat light foods recommended by specialists before bed to avoid gastritis or nausea.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Why am I very sleepy in pregnancy , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

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