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First aid in case of heat stroke

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Taking walks and enjoying different activities outdoors is very healthy for the body; however, heat and sun exposure can put health at risk if the necessary precautions are not taken. One of the most frequent disorders of the summer is what is commonly called heat stroke or heatstroke.

This usually happens, mainly, when a long time is spent in the sun, mainly on the head, causing people to feel dizzy, headache, weak, confused, rapid heartbeat, faint or even go into a coma.

It is extremely essential that if a person who was exposed to the sun with great heat feels any of these symptoms, they immediately go to a doctor or seek medical attention. For this reason, at FastlyHealwe inform you about first aid in case of heat stroke .

Table of Contents

What is heatstroke?

Heatstroke is one of the most important disorders that can be suffered by long exposure to the sun on hot days. Heatstroke is the rise above the normal value of the hypothalamic temperature.

This is produced, mainly, by a failure in the systems that our body has for evacuating heat. It could be said that our body, sometimes, is not capable of self-cooling to maintain a lower temperature than the external one due to exposure to a high temperature, causing heatstroke to occur.

Heat stroke symptoms

One of the main ways to identify a heat stroke is the symptoms that accompany this condition. . The first ones that manifest are related to the typical heat stroke , such as:

  • Accelerated heart rate, tachycardia .
  • Sweating excessively
  • Very hot skin.
  • Muscular weakness.
  • Dizziness and nausea, which can lead to vomiting.

If any of these symptoms appear, it is important to remove yourself from sun exposure so that heatstroke does not appear, which can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Extremely hot and dry skin.
  • Vomiting frequently
  • Trouble breathing normally
  • Feeling of mental confusion.
  • Loss of consciousness and seizures, in some cases.
  • Hallucinations or fatigue

If one or more of these symptoms is recognized, it is essential to visit an emergency doctor.

What to do in cases of heat stroke?

If there is a person who is suffering from heat stroke, the main thing is to reduce the body temperature to prevent the situation from worsening and to eliminate the symptoms that have appeared.

Although you have to visit a doctor, the first thing to do is protect the affected person from the sun by placing them in the shade or somewhere that is cooler and more ventilated. Then, preferably, unnecessary clothing should be removed from the sunken person to cool the whole body and reduce the body temperature more quickly. To continue, it is important to fan with cold air and, finally, wet the skin with cold water and, if possible, offer a drink that is cool.

How to prevent heat stroke

  • Heatstroke is an alteration that can be prevented very easily if you follow some advice, mainly not to expose yourself to the sun for a long time on very hot days.
  • Exercise or heavy-duty activities should not be performed outdoors in hot weather and high humidity, as this can raise body temperature and develop heat stroke.
  • If it cannot be avoided, wear a hat and a lot of protector , in addition to continuously drinking water to keep the body hydrated and fresh.
  • Exposing yourself to the sun during the hours of less intensity, early in the morning and from 5:00 p.m.
  • Avoid the consumption of stimulating drinks , such as coffee or alcohol, since they stimulate the elimination of water from the body, risking dehydration.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to First aid in case of heat stroke , we recommend that you enter our Well-being category .

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