The microscopic anatomy is morphological science, that is, one that studies the structure of man through different viewpoints. Specifically, microscopic anatomy studies the tissues of the body by linking the cells and the extracellular matrix of which they are composed. To carry out this study successfully, different instruments are used that provide greater precision by means of an optical microscope, and in the case of an ultra-structural study, the electron microscope can also be used. At FastlyHealwe explain what microscopic anatomy consists of.
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Microscopic anatomy
Study of the microscopic structure of tissues and cells that make up the body through the use of precision instruments such as the microscope. In microscopic anatomy, all those structures that cannot be seen with the naked eye and that, therefore, require the use of a microscope to be evaluated, are studied.
The types of microscopic anatomy
- Cytology . Study and analysis of a set of cells by observing them through a microscope. It is used in various branches of medicine.
- Histology . Study, analysis and classification of organic tissues through their microscopic observation.
- Organography . Study of the tissue composition of organs to relate their structure to their function.
The histological method must have been previously processed to extract a suitable sample for the study needs. To achieve the success of the procedure, the technique of fixation and embedding in paraffin is usually used. This technique offers the possibility of obtaining permanent tissue preparations that can be observed with the light microscope. The stages that make up this method are:
- Obtaining the sample. The material to be analyzed is excised.
- Fixation. It consists of stabilizing the tissue structure by immersion in a fixative liquid solution, or by perfusion.
- Dehydration Solvents such as alcohol and xylol are used. In the case of the paraffin incision, the water in the tissue is progressively replaced by paraffin.
- Inclusion. The tissue is immersed in successive paraffin baths at 60 degrees.
- Court. Paraffin sections are usually between 5 and 10 um thick.
- Staining Tissues are stained to increase natural contrast and highlight cellular components.
- Mounting. In order to preserve the preparation, it is covered with a mounting medium and a coverslip.
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