Home Medical dictionary Definition of Pandy reaction

Definition of Pandy reaction

by Alivia Nyhan
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The human body is tremendously complex, and as we study it in more depth, we see the importance of each of its parts. We also realize the connection between all its features; the entire organism is such a united network that a simple disorder in one part manifests itself in any other area of ​​the body.

The cerebrospinal fluid is one of these organic parts, perhaps considered secondary, but which can play a crucial role in recognizing abnormalities and diseases that occur in other areas of the body.

Do you want to know the definition of Pandy’s reaction? Do you know the functions of the cerebrospinal fluid? In the following FastlyHealarticle we explain everything you need to know.

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What is Pandy’s reaction?

The Pandy reaction is a test by which we can determine the presence of proteins, specifically globulins, in the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid. At a methodological level, it is about adding a single drop of cerebrospinal juice, previously extracted from the body, to 1 ml of carbolic acid solution. If these proteins exist, a precipitate cloud forms, so the liquid is cloudy.

What is cerebrospinal fluid?

For its acronym, the cerebrospinal fluid or cerebrospinal fluid -LCR or LCE- is the colorless and odorless fluid that borders the spinal cord and the brain. This fluid circulates through the subarachnoid space, the cerebral ventricles, and the ependymal canal, between 100 and 150 ml in normal conditions.

The importance of the analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid is that it becomes cloudy with the presence of bile pigments, leukocytes, and proteins, with many diseases that can alter its composition and appearance, so its analysis, among which we find the Pandy test, it is vital to be able to detect and diagnose numerous diseases and pathologies.

The cerebrospinal fluid fulfills numerous functions; below, we list them:

  • It acts as a protector of the central nervous system, acting as a buffer against trauma.
  • It is a reservoir that helps regulate the cranial content.
  • At a lower level, it also helps nourish the brain.
  • Controls the level of metabolites in the central nervous system.
  • It is the way of passage towards the pituitary gland so that the pineal secretions can arrive.
  • It is the entry point for epidural anesthesia.
  • It has a fundamental role in the diagnosis of numerous pathologies and conditions.

CSF extraction

Although cerebrospinal fluid can also be extracted by cisternal puncture or ventricular puncture, the most common way to do it is by lumbar puncture. The importance of CSF lies in its central role in diagnosing a large number of diseases and pathologies related to the brain, neurological, and hemorrhages in that area.

The lumbar puncture is carried out using a 10 cm needle with a mandrel while the patient is lying down or sitting; the hole is carried out between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, waiting for the liquid to begin to drip. It is essential to do it carefully not to damage any vertebra. It is common to take advantage of the fact that the patient is punctured to measure the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid; for this, a manometer is used.

Positive Pandy reaction

As we have explained previously, the presence of globulins is manifested in the Pandy test by clouding the cerebrospinal fluid. The cloudy appearance indicates the presence of high levels of this protein; when this happens, we speak of positive in the Pandy test.

positive result in the Pandy test can mean many different things; a multitude of pathologies is manifested with the increase of proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid; here is a list of the most important conditions:

  • Mellitus diabetes
  • Tumor cerebral
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Different types of meningitis
  • Syphilis
  • Cerebral hemorrhage

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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