Home Skin CareSkin health Causes, symptoms and treatment of face allergy

Causes, symptoms and treatment of face allergy

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Have you noticed that you have an allergic skin reaction after using a product or after being in contact with a substance? Do not despair. We will explain why it happens and what you can do about it.

Generally, allergies occur after contact with something that our immune system immediately detects and rejects, activating the necessary antibodies and causing an unfavorable reaction on your skin, especially on the face, manifesting as redness, itching, and skin rash.

To solve skin allergies, you must first determine the root cause of this skin allergy. If you ask yourself, “I have a face allergy: what can I do?”, Keep reading this FastlyHealarticle, where you will find out all the information about the possible causes, treatments, and home remedies, as well as recommendations.

Why do I have a face allergy?

Allergic reactions are the product of direct contact with some foreign substance that our body recognizes as an intruder. Our immune system acts effectively and activates the antibodies responsible for identifying the foreign substance, which generates a reaction in your skin. This can occur anywhere on the body, including the face.

The severity of an allergic skin reaction will depend on each person; it is essential to determine what you have a face allergy to and how you should treat it immediately.

The symptoms that usually appear when you have a face allergy are:

  • Itchy or itchy skin.
  • Redness and rashes.
  • Skin rashes, red or white.
  • Irritation on the face.
  • Peeling of the skin
  • Sensitivity on the skin.
  • Hives on the front.

You can have a face allergy from any of these causes :

  • Excessive use of makeup.
  • The use of soaps.
  • Hair dyes.
  • The use of creams.
  • Consumption of any medication.
  • The consumption of some food.
  • Sun exposure.
  • The use of sunscreen.
  • Insect bites.
  • Prolonged use of masks.
  • Contact with the mobile.

This last cause is becoming more and more common. In 2009 the British Association of Dermatologists began to study the unfavorable reactions on the face had the prolonged use of the mobile, a new problem in allergology. This allergy on the front is also known as a nickel allergy and affects approximately 30% of the population worldwide. It is more prevalent in the female sex due to the previous sensitivity of allergic reactions to nickel that usually coat jewelry.

The superficial layer of the skin is the one that is affected mainly by being exposed to allergens. It may take a few days to manifest and a few days to disappear entirely. Allergies on the face are primarily manifested in women due to products such as creams, makeup, and hair dyes. The manifestations that occur also depend on the immune system of each person.

How do I know if I have an allergy?

Some tests are done to identify what you are allergic to. In total, there are three different tests:

  • The prick or scrape test is the most common, and a minimal drop of the possible allergen is introduced through a punch.
  • The intradermal test: is carried out in case of suspect that the allergy in the face is due to insect bites or the use of medications such as penicillin. In this case, a small amount of this allergen is administered under the skin.

These tests are done in the allergist’s office, so don’t try this procedure at home. Both tests last approximately 5 to 10 minutes and are usually applied to the forearm. It will generate an itching reaction if any substance tests positive.

  • Patch test: this last test lets us know if we have sensitivity to allergens such as creams or makeup. In this case, a patch is placed on the back, and after the first 48 hours, the result will be known. The allergist is in charge of evaluating this test.

What can I do if I have a face allergy?

If you ask yourself, “I have a face allergy: what can I do?”, The most important thing is not to be alarmed, its symptoms last a short time, and the treatments are easy and practical to perform. Here are some of the measures you can take:

  • Once the allergen or trigger has been identified, you should stop it immediately. Observe and remember all the symptoms that appear on your face and, above all, if they get worse quickly.
  • Avoid scratching: logically, it is something challenging to do, but the main recommendation is that you do not rub your face.
  • Soothe itching using naturally derived soothing products such as chamomile, aloe vera, rosemary, calendula, and calamine. You can also use moisturizing and anti-inflammatory creams that will act as benign for this sensitive area, such as the face.
  • Remember that the skin on your face will require special care to bring it back to normal.

Home remedies

You can use some home remedies to treat allergies on the face, such as:

  1. Banana and cucumber mask: this mixture helps soothe the itchiness and reduce the redness on your face after the allergic reaction. Make a homogeneous mixture in a blender with half a banana and ¼ peeled cucumber and apply it to your face for 30 minutes. Afterward, please remove it from your face with plenty of water. This can be done every day that is necessary until the allergy has subsided.
  2. Green tea: its properties interfere with the activation of the allergic reaction and combat all its symptoms since it improves itchy skin, irritation, and redness.
  3. Beet juice with carrot: to treat irritations, prepare a classic juice with ½ beet, two carrots, and ½ cup of water and drink it on an empty stomach every morning. The preparation loses its properties if it lasts more than 48 hours in the fridge.
  4. Aloe vera, chamomile, and cod liver oil: apply a mixture made with these three ingredients to your face. To do this, use ¼ teaspoon of chamomile essence, one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, and two tablespoons of cod liver oil. Mix well and massage on your face, then let it act for at least 45 minutes and remove with plenty of cold water.

Learn more about natural remedies in the article Home remedies for contact dermatitis.

How do I avoid having a face allergy?

The most important of all is prevention. In this way, we will avoid unfavorable reactions in your skin due to skin allergies. It is important:

  • Use hypoallergenic products on your face.
  • Avoid applying products or substances with fragrances or colorants that tend to irritate the face.
  • Identify the durability of the products you use on your face.
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun and cold.
  • Improve your diet by consuming foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Increase your water intake to keep your skin hydrated.

Home remedies may not work, and you may despair when you notice that your face has not fully returned to normal. Therefore, the specialist must evaluate your case and include specialized treatments with antihistamines, corticosteroids, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not administer any of them if your specialist has not indicated it.

Remember that it is a susceptible area, and if it is not treated correctly, it can have irreversible damage.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to I, have a face allergy: what can I do? We recommend that you enter our category of Skin, hair, and nails.

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