Home SexualityWomen's sexuality Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?

Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?

by Alivia Nyhan
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There are numerous doubts and several myths related to menstruation, many of them related primarily to sex. Although there are different very effective contraceptive methods, some women risk having unprotected intimate relationships, which gives rise to a series of doubts. We usually ask ourselves about the time of our cycle that is most conducive to doing so. Of course, the days of menstruation are always on this list.

From FastlyHealwe invite you to choose and use a safe and effective contraceptive method, but if despite that, you keep asking yourself, can I get pregnant with my rule? Please read carefully, because in this article we answer it.

Sex with the period

Surely you have ever wondered, as many women do, if you can get pregnant with your period, to which we usually respond with a resounding no, without knowing if this is true. While it is true that you will get pregnant if you have sexual intercourse during the menstrual period is very low, if it can happen to you, you should not consider it a null possibility.

Generally, your menstrual period can last 3 to 7 days in each cycle; However, it is also possible that you are one of the women who experience the rule for up to 10 days. This makes your ovulation period and menstruation very close, increasing the chances of getting pregnant during your period if you do not use some contraceptive method. The risk is presented mainly because sperm can survive up to 72 hours inside the woman’s body. If your ovulation days are close to your unprotected sexual encounter, there is a small risk of pregnancy that we cannot ignore.

Many people tend to say that you can get pregnant during your period because your menstrual cycle is irregular or, as we mentioned earlier, it is very short. However, some think that if you are one of the women who experience bleeding between each rule, you can confuse it with a period. It is possible that at that time, you are ovulating, considerably increasing the possibility of getting pregnant. In addition, whether you are a teenager with a cycle that is usually irregular or if you are in the menopausal stage, you may be more likely to become pregnant during monthly bleeding.

For this reason, both you and your partner must use contraception if you are not looking to have a child. However, it is also essential that you know your body and, in this way, your menstrual cycle.

Female menstrual cycle

Your menstrual cycle can typically last between 23 and 35 days and is divided into different phases. When the bleeding begins, the first day is when you probably experience the most pain, as it happens in most women. Although your period can usually last 3 to 7 days, the first two days are generally the most painful. This phase of your cycle is called the menstrual phase.

The follicular phase, also called proliferative or pre-ovulation, is characterized by the fact that a hormone known by the name estrogen causes the endometrium, the inner layer of your uterus, to grow to thicken and the ovum to mature. In this way, it becomes a much more comfortable place to contain your viable fertilized eggs. This phase usually runs from day 4 to 13 if you have a regular menstrual cycle.

On day 14, you usually start ovulation. This happens when your estrogen levels increase, and a hormone called lutropin is what triggers ovulation, that is, the moment when one of your eggs, the more mature one, leaves the ovary and is captured by the ends of the ovary—fallopian tube. The most suitable medium is created for the sperm to reach the tubes, where fertilization occurs.

The luteal phase, also called the secretory or post-ovulation phase, generally lasts from day 16 to 28, when you have the next menstruation, if your ovum has not been fertilized, and in this way, you start the new cycle.

Most fertile period

If what you are looking for is having children, you should have sex during your most fertile period since it is the moment where the possibility of getting pregnant increases noticeably. This period usually occurs between 5 days before and 1 or 2 days after ovulation. You may present it in the second week and at the beginning of the third, as long as you have the standard 28-day cycle. However, numerous systems can help you know your most fertile times, such as fertility tests or monitoring your flow to see if you ovulate.

In any case, your fertility depends on many factors, mainly your age. This is seen when you reach between 45 to 55 years of age, at which time you are most likely to have menopause, that is, the last bleeding. This event usually means the end of the reproductive stage for women. However, this does not happen to you from one moment to the next, so you must visit a doctor so that you are guided and controlled by a specialist during this stage.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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