Home SexualityMale sexuality What is precum and when it is come?

What is precum and when it is come?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Glands secrete the precum in the penis during sexual arousal, and, as the name suggests, this happens before the ejaculation of semen. This liquid has essential functions since it works by inhibiting acidity, which is necessary for sperm to survive during its journey through the male urethra and into the vagina.

If you are interested in knowing when the seminal fluid comes out, in what quantity it is expelled, and if you can become pregnant even if you do not come into contact with the semen, we invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle.

What is precum

Pre-cum fluid is also known by other names: pre-ejaculatory fluid, pre-ejaculatory fluid, precum, or Cowper’s fluid. It is similar in composition to semen but has some different characteristics to it:

  • Colorless.
  • Scarce.
  • Viscous.
  • It may or may not contain sperm, and if it does, it is usually in low quantity.

Several studies have studied the presence of sperm in the precum. They have reached significantly different results: in some, the presence of sperm has been confirmed, while in others, this was not the case, with which it can be concluded that this may be different in every man.

What is precum for?

Among the functions of this liquid are:

  • Neutralize acidity: being an alkaline liquid, it helps if there is some urine left in the urethra (it is acidic) and, on the other hand, it helps sperm survive in the vagina since it is also an acidic environment.
  • Lubricant during sexual activity.
  • Lubricates the walls of the urethra, in this way, helps the expulsion of semen that is more viscous.
  • After being eliminated, it helps the semen clot (that is, it hardens).

At what point does the precum come out?

As its name suggests, the precum comes out before the ejaculation of semen during sexual arousal. This occurs before the man has fully reached orgasm. This practically transparent liquid is expelled through the orifice of the urethra, the same one through which the semen then comes out.

This pre-ejaculatory fluid can be secreted on different occasions:

  • During masturbation.
  • In moments of sexual arousal.
  • While the early phases of the sexual act take place.

At such times, the bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s) and the mucus-secreting glands of the urethra (Littre’s glands) produce a clear, alkaline, mucous-like liquid, with a high content of galactose, galactosamine, galacturonic acid, sialic acid, and methyl pentose. The so-called precum. These glands also provide fluid for the formation of semen, and this is already during ejaculation. Still, semen is also formed by fluids from the prostate and seminal vesicles, making it very different.

The precum can leak many times during male sexual arousal or not come out even once. As for the amount of fluid that is secreted, it is highly variable. Some men pass it in large amounts (up to 5 ml), others less, and some may not give any pre-ejaculatory fluid. In some cases, the payment may be so great that it causes a problem for the man. In that case, it must be ruled out that the clear precum is not a secretion from the prostate when straining to defecate or urinate. A doctor must be called in to evaluate the circumstance in both cases.

In the pre-ejaculating fluid, in addition to sperm, different germs that cause sexually transmitted diseases can be found. Therefore, sex without a condom, even before ejaculation, is dangerous in this sense. The same happens during oral sex without condom protection. A significant increase in sexually transmitted diseases has been seen due to this unsafe practice.

Does precum make you pregnant?

As we have seen, studies on the presence of sperm in the pre-ejaculatory fluid are not conclusive. The precum may contain sperm in some cases. Therefore, if you have sex without a condom, even if the ejaculation is not inside the vagina ( coitus interruptus method ), the woman can become pregnant, although these possibilities are minimal. According to statistics, about 28% of women can get pregnant if they only use interrupted intercourse as a contraceptive method, and this is mainly due to:

  • Possible sperm content in the pre-ejaculatory fluid.
  • Difficulty ejaculating entirely outside the vagina.

On the other hand, the interruption of intercourse does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV) and can often affect the pleasure in sexual intercourse.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to When, does precum come out? We recommend that you enter our Sexuality category.

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