Home SexualityMale sexuality Is interrupted intercourse safe?

Is interrupted intercourse safe?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Interrupted intercourse, known to some as the reverse or withdrawal method, is a practice used by many couples, especially during the early stages of sexual exploration in which the condom is not yet frequently used or in which the woman she does not feel safe using highly effective methods such as birth control pills.

But is this a wise decision? Is interrupted intercourse safe? In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain the effectiveness of this practice and the risks involved in carrying it out.

Is interrupted intercourse a safe method to prevent pregnancy?

The answer is NO. Reversing or interrupted intercourse is not a safe contraceptive method because it is not always possible to withdraw the penis from the vaginal area before ejaculating, much less it is possible to guarantee that during the process, no seminal fluid has penetrated the vagina.

For this method to be safe, great self-control, confidence, speed, and speed are required, which is why gynecologists and doctors, in general, do not recommend it as an effective alternative to prevent pregnancy adequately.

Why is intercourse not safe?

This practice is not considered safe because even when the man believes that he has withdrawn the penis from the vagina in time, a little semen can always escape immediately, this semen contains millions of sperm, so there is a significant risk of pregnancy if the woman is in her fertile days. A little sperm is enough for fertilization when all conditions are met.

Additionally, during the male arousal process, the penis secretes a substance known as precum; this substance neutralizes the acidity of the urethra produced by urine, thus making the environment more conducive to the survival of sperm. However, the academic world does not agree on whether or not the precum contains a small amount of sperm since samples have been observed in which they are present, which is why they consider that, for safety, it is best do not to risk exposing yourself to this liquid without protection, or pregnancy could result.

Interrupted intercourse has a risk of failure of about 27%, while oral contraceptives well ingested have a chance of only 1% and condoms about 3%. The difference is tremendous, and it is not advisable to risk it.

What more effective contraceptive alternatives do I have?

Once it has become clear that interrupting intercourse is not safe, then it is time to approach sexual relations with the responsibility it deserves.

When it comes to preventing sexually transmitted diseases, the condom is the only method that achieves this, which is why it is essential during casual sex, when we are not using other contraceptive alternatives or when we think that the way we are using, such as the pill, could fail. For her part, women have a wide range of options to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, all with significant effects, such as the pill, the IUD, the patch, the diaphragm, the hormonal injections, the rings, or the female condom. In our article on female contraceptive methods, we explain each in detail.

Remember that safe sex is also an act of responsibility for both, so it is best to choose effective methods.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Is intercourse safe? We recommend that you enter our Sexuality category .

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