Home Teeth and mouthDental health What is a dental cleaning benefits and caring tips?

What is a dental cleaning benefits and caring tips?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Dental hygiene is the basis of healthy teeth and gums, which is why daily cleaning is necessary at least 3 times a day using toothpaste and dental floss, as well as mouthwash to maintain teeth in good condition. . However, this is not enough. Dentists recommend a deep dental cleaning performed by a specialist 1 or 2 times during the year.

Once done, certain care must be taken to maintain the benefits obtained for a longer time, such as the removal of tartar and bacterial plaque, in addition to reducing the presence of stains on the teeth, all this thanks to cleaning dental hand in hand with a dental professional.

In this FastlyHealarticle, you will learn about the care after dental cleaning that you should take into account.

What is a dental cleaning

Dental cleaning is a preventive dental treatment that is carried out prophylactically so that you have better oral health.

If you are wondering how long a dental cleaning takes, it is a fairly simple procedure that takes between 30 and 40 minutes and does not cause pain. However, for some people it can cause some discomfort. In those cases where they suffer from sensitive teeth , local anesthesia may be needed.

Dental cleaning consists of removing the tartar or dental calculus that forms around the teeth, in order to keep the gums healthy. This is the only way to prevent infections, inflammations and bleeding gums.

For more information about what a dental cleaning is and what it consists of, you can also consult the article: How many types of dental cleaning are there?

Steps for a good dental cleaning

When carrying out a dental cleaning, the dentist will follow a series of steps to comply with the established protocol:

  • The first thing is to perform a review of the mouth to visualize where the tartar, plaque, stains or other alterations are found on both the teeth and the gums.
  • Next, we proceed to the removal of tartar and bacterial plaque , which put oral health at risk over time. This procedure is done with an ultrasound specially designed to remove tartar easily without causing damage to the teeth or gums. In this way, it is possible to remove the dirt lodged between the teeth and the gum lines.
  • Once the tartar is removed, the teeth are polished , thereby avoiding any type of roughness. Thus, the teeth are smooth and shiny after this procedure. This is achieved with the use of rubbers or special brushes that allow to eliminate stains produced by external agents such as tobacco or coffee.

In most cases, this process is bearable, however, for those who have some kind of sensitivity it can be annoying. At the end of the procedure, an anti-inflammatory is applied in order to reduce the discomfort caused by dental cleaning.

Finally, the dentist will tell you how you should brush your teeth to avoid the accumulation of bacterial plaque, as well as the formation of tartar. It should be noted that at the same time, it will indicate the type of toothpaste to use according to the state of the teeth and gums.

Tips after a dental cleaning

After dental cleaning, you must follow some specific care. Due to the procedure performed, the teeth are sensitive. For this reason, the following is recommended to prevent an increase in sensitivity:

  • Do not rinse or spit for the first 24 hours after cleaning.
  • Use mouthwash according to the state of your teeth and gums after 24 hours after dental cleaning. Keep in mind that this should only be recommended by the dentist.
  • Maintain strict oral hygiene after the first 24 hours.
  • Use specific toothpastes for tooth sensitivity, which reduce the discomfort generated by dental cleaning.
  • Do not eat hard foods or foods with extreme temperatures (very cold or excessively hot) that can aggravate the existing sensitivity.
  • Avoid consuming dark drinks for the first few days such as coffee or red wine, since the pore of the tooth is more open and sensitive to the appearance of stains.
  • Do not consume milk or any of its derivatives during the first 24 hours of the day, because fluoride is placed during the procedure. In this sense, you will not be able to eat food immediately either, that is, you will have to wait approximately 30 minutes to eat or even drink water. This is the only way to ensure that the fluoride can be absorbed.

It is important to mention that oral hygiene must be perfect to preserve the teeth as they were left, for this it will be necessary to use toothpaste, dental floss and mouthwash 3 to 5 times during the day. Make sure to perform this procedure as many times as you require, always indicated by your dentist.

Benefits of dental cleaning

There are multiple benefits of dental cleaning, the main one is keeping the mouth in good condition. Next you will know each one of them:

  • Prevents the appearance of periodontal diseases and inflammation of the gums.
  • It removes the bacterial plaque that accumulates on the teeth due to the accumulation of food debris.
  • Eliminates the presence of tartar that can inflame and irritate the gums.
  • It prevents gingivitis and periodontitis , both pathologies appear as a result of bacterial plaque, in addition to poor oral hygiene.
  • After cleaning, the oral cavity is free of bacteria, thus eliminating bad taste in the mouth and halitosis .
  • The application of fluoride during dental cleaning remineralizes the enamel of the teeth, thus reducing the risk of tooth decay.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Care after a dental cleaning , we recommend that you enter our Teeth and mouth category .

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