Home Teeth and mouthDental health Foods that whiten teeth

Foods that whiten teeth

by Alivia Nyhan
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Nothing is as attractive in a smile as a white , uniform and shiny teeth ; And having it is possible if we give our teeth the necessary care to keep them healthy and free of stains. Many are the habits and foods that damage the enamel of the teeth and compromise its color; such as coffee, tea, tobacco and red wine, and it is important to note that to have the dream teeth it is not enough to restrict its consumption.

In the pursuit of a beautiful and healthy smile, the first goal is to remove that yellow hue from your teeth. To achieve this, it is not necessary to undergo expensive teeth whitening, it is enough to include foods rich in vitamin C and D, calcium and magnesium in your diet so that you can begin to improve the color of your teeth naturally. There are many foods that whiten teeth and in this FastlyHealarticle we show you what they are.

Why teeth become stained?

Teeth are made up from the inside out of the following layers: pulp, cementum, dentin, and enamel. Enamel is the most superficial layer of the tooth, but it is also the strongest, since it is responsible for protecting the other softer layers from bacteria and germs that may be in the mouth and from the sensitivity that the temperature of the teeth can generate. hot and cold foods, in addition, the enamel has to be so resistant as to withstand the pressure exerted when chewing.

You may remember that when you changed your first teeth and kept your permanent teeth, the enamel color was so white that it illuminated your smile. However, as time went by, the color of your teeth became increasingly dull and yellowish. The wear of color enamelIt is a totally normal process due to the function that this layer exerts, and it is that the color and resistance of the same is lost as we brush some teeth with others, we chew very hard food or with coloring, we use the teeth as a tool to open objects or we do not offer our teeth the necessary care and hygiene. In addition to this, it is important to explain that over the years, the enamel weakens until it becomes increasingly thin, to the point that through it the color of the layer called dentin begins to be noticed and, at this point Although the dentin remains healthy, the enamel begins to crack and accumulate stains within these tiny and imperceptible fissures.

Types of tooth stains

The process explained above gives rise to what in dentistry is known as extrinsic stains , which are a consequence of the consumption of beverages and foods with coloring, habits such as smoking and the wear of the enamel over the years. When this type of tooth stain is superficial, it can be eliminated with tooth brushing and the use of a whitening cream or eating foods that whiten the teeth.

However, when the stain completely penetrates the enamel and passes through the dentin, we speak of intrinsic stains , which are usually formed by some type of injury or blow, ingestion of fluoride, use of chemical substances, medications such as tetracycline, among others. These stains only yield to specialized treatments and performed only by a dentist.

Causes of stained teeth

  • Drinks and foods with colorings: coffee, dark soda, red wine, soy sauce, tea.
  • Citrus foods that are capable of eroding enamel.
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco causes nicotine deposits to build up on the tooth, causing an intrinsic stain.
  • Consumption of some medications or chemical substances.
  • Bruxism is capable of cracking the enamel even more.
  • Inadequate dental hygiene.
  • Some types of dental fillings to treat cavities.
  • Radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Falls, bumps and any type of dental impact.
  • Excess fluoride contained in tap water, toothpastes, mouthwashes, and supplements.


The properties of strawberries are countless, however, this fruit stands out for the benefits it offers to dental health. Strawberries are rich in xylitol , a polyol that is not properly metabolized by oral microorganisms, which allows it to be very effective in eliminating any type of bacteria harmful to our well-being, while stimulating blood circulation in the gums.

The strawberry, in addition to helping to combat the accumulation of dental plaque, allows to stop the demineralization that occurs when the pH of the mouth is lowered, one of the main consequences of the wear of the most important layer of the tooth: the enamel. Remember that when enamel wears out, stains and cavities come . Therefore, although it is a myth that strawberries exert a whitening action, these fruits are capable of protecting the enamel to prevent stains from appearing. Therefore, eating strawberries is synonymous with a much stronger and cleaner enamel.


Cheeses are rich in lactic acid that helps keep teeth strong and fights cavities. In addition, they contain proteins, calcium, minerals, phosphorus and casein, this last substance being responsible for whitening the teeth , since it prevents and reduces the erosion of the enamel, while its high calcium contribution strengthens the teeth.

Likewise, cheeses, especially the cheddar type, stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth and together with their load of phosphates and calcium, they allow the teeth to harden to combat their decomposition. The extra production of saliva forms a protective barrier in the enamel that prevents its erosion.


Pineapple is a fruit rich in bromelain , an enzyme that has whitening properties that promotes enamel color and dental health. Pineapple not only acts as a natural stain remover, but also removes dental plaque composed of bacteria that accumulates on the teeth, this benefit helps fight cavities and gum diseases such as gingivitis . Dental plaque is one of the main causes of tooth enamel wear.

To whiten teeth eating pineapple, it is advisable to consume the fruit in its natural version and without any added substance. Remember that preserves, juices or dehydrated fruits are rich in sugar, one of the substances that can most erode tooth enamel.

Broccoli and apples

The apple is the protagonist of foods that whiten teeth , in fact, it is among the best foods for dental health. Why? Because it increases the production of saliva, which protects the enamel. But in addition, the texture of the apple pulp polishes the teeth with each bite as if it were a toothbrush, leaving the teeth cleaner and removing excess dental plaque. The composition of this fruit and its shell also help fight bad breath .

For its part, broccoli is rich in calcium, folic acid, iron, vitamin A and a lot of fiber. All these components concentrated in a single food allow to form a protective layer on the enamel that prevents it from wearing out and from being eroded by contact with other foods, substances and beverages that can stain it. In addition, due to its quality of being a crunchy food, when chewed broccoli stimulates the production of saliva which helps reduce stains. Having healthier teeth is possible because 100 grams of broccoli equals 210 milligrams of calcium.

The carrot

The carrot , thanks to its high content of beta-carotenes that are transformed in the body into vitamin A, are one of the foods that help to naturally whiten teeth . Vitamin A is the most important for maintaining healthy tooth enamel, as it strengthens it while also protecting the gums and fighting gingivitis.

In the same way as with broccoli, eating the carrot peeled and raw stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to eliminate superficial stains and remove, thanks to its crispy texture, excess dental plaque.

Tips for whiter teeth

  • Reduce the consumption of food with colorants.
  • Use whitening toothpaste.
  • Brush your teeth once a month with baking soda.
  • The whitening gels and bands that you find in pharmacies have a more noticeable effect than that offered by toothpastes.
  • Visit the dentist once a year for a deep dental cleaning.
  • You brush your teeth maximum three times a day, the abuse of toothpaste and brushing also wears down the enamel.
  • Flossing after every meal to prevent plaque build-up and bacteria build-up.
  • Quit smoking .
  • Consult with your dentist about new special teeth whitening treatments.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Foods that whiten teeth , we recommend that you enter our Teeth and mouth category .

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