As the vast majority of people well know, milk teeth, also called primary or temporary teeth, are the first to emerge in a child, some from birth and others within months of life. Its existence is necessary to perform daily functions such as chewing and speaking. Generally, when these teeth fall or are lost, we can see that, in addition to being very small, they only present the crown, being the upper part of the tooth, and others that are lost due to accidents or trauma look different. Have you ever wondered if baby teeth have roots? In this FastlyHealarticle, we will answer this question and tell you about their anatomy so that you know their shape and the reason why they are lost.
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What are baby teeth like?
Primary or temporary milk teeth are the first teeth that come out of a person and can appear from birth (only in some cases) or after months, which is when their eruption process begins until adolescence, being the moment the permanent dentition ends.
Generally, the eruption process begins at five months of the baby, and it is not until the sixth or seventh month that baby teeth start to erupt. However, some babies may take longer in the process than others, and this will depend on the same development process.
Although they are not permanent teeth, they are essential in the child’s mouth because they fulfill his necessary functions. For example, they are required for the baby to start the chewing process and do it properly and be needed to talk. Also, its existence in the mouth is to conserve or maintain space while the permanent teeth are approached; that is why the father should always help his child maintain adequate oral hygiene so that the teeth do not deteriorate and, therefore, the teeth. Lose, since its absence can bring problems such as the loss of the permanent tooth space, causing crowding or other consequences.
The first teeth to erupt or erupt are the first permanent molars, which come out behind the last baby tooth without the need to change any primary teeth. On the other hand, the first to move is the lower incisors, which are the teeth located in the front part of the mouth, and, in general, the baby will always present discomfort at the time of eruption because this process hurts, the gum becomes it will look irritated and inflamed, and the baby will also look irritated.
Are baby teeth rooted?
Milk teeth are the first dentition that occurs in a person, being replaced by permanent ones until the age of 12 or 13, approximately, except third molars or also called “wisdom teeth,” which generally erupt from the 18 years.
The answer to this question is that milk teeth have roots. However, this is of smaller diameter compared to a permanent tooth. For the milk teeth to be replaced by the permanent ones, they must be exfoliated or “fall out,” This happens when the permanent is about to come out, which has at least 2/3 of its root length. For the tooth to fall out, the permanent must make the root of the temporary tooth “disappear,” which is precisely due to the growth process of the permanent tooth. When a child’s tooth falls out or is extracted, we can see that there is no root presence because it has already been lost due to the formation of the permanent, which is reabsorbing the root. However, it must be known and understood that a baby tooth does have a heart.
What happens if a baby tooth is lost prematurely?
Milk or primary teeth are teeth that have a function in the mouth and a duration in it; if for some reason it is lost prematurely, for example, due to an accident or trauma, it can be observed that it presents a large root for the diameter of the same, in addition to this, the function that that tooth fulfilled in the mouth was lost and, therefore, the space that is maintained as well. This is not recommended in any cases because once this tooth is lost, it cannot be reimplanted in the mouth.
It is recommended to immediately take the dentist, preferably the specialist in the area is the pediatric dentist, who should clean the affected area to avoid any infection and, later, use a device called “Space maintainer” so that the child does not lose space in the oral cavity and does not bring consequences in the future.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Do baby teeth have roots? We recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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