Home WelfareGeneral well-being What happens in your body when you stop smoking?

What happens in your body when you stop smoking?

by Alivia Nyhan
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When you undertake a difficult task in life, whatever it may be, the beginnings are complex and expensive. Success depends mainly on overcoming difficulties and the unwavering will to do what is necessary to achieve your goals. Not smoking again is one of those complex tasks; when you have recently given up everything, it becomes complicated, and you can sometimes be tempted by abandonment. In those moments when everything looks dark is when you need a push, a stimulus that tells you everything you have already achieved.

At FastlyHealwe, explain what happens in your body when you stop smoking so that you can see the achievements you have achieved if you are quitting this addiction or so that you can see the future that would await you if you finally decided to free yourself from tobacco.

One day later

  • Twenty minutes after smoking your last cigarette, your heart rate returns to normal, and your blood pressure drops to normal.
  • You will notice more heat in the hands and feet; the circulation will return to normal.
  • After eight hours, carbon monoxide levels and blood oxygenation also return to normal.
  • The next day your body has already removed 94% of the nicotine from your body.
  • After the first 24 hours, you begin to notice an improvement in the senses of taste and smell.

A week later

  • Damaged nerve endings begin to regenerate on the second day, so the senses of smell and taste will continue to improve.
  • The withdrawal syndrome will bring you up to 3 episodes a day of great need to smoke, lasting up to three minutes each.

One month after

  • Ten days after quitting, the episodes of desperate desire to smoke are reduced to two per day, and the duration is getting shorter.
  • After two weeks, normality in the gum circulation returns.
  • Between the second and fourth week, the psychological symptoms of nicotine addiction end. You will no longer suffer from anxietyinsomnia, and irritability; the addiction will no longer control you.
  • After three weeks, your brain restores acetylcholine receptors, those responsible for controlling the response to nicotine, and the brain returns to normal.

Six months later

  • At eight weeks, insulin resistance normalizes.
  • You have much less congestion; you also notice a significant decrease in fatigue and tiredness that allow you to make much more physical effort.
  • The lung cilia grow back, which are responsible for regulating mucus, and thanks to this, your lungs are much cleaner and better prevented from infections.


  • In a year, you will have already reduced by half the chances of suffering a cardiovascular incident, including a heart attack.
  • If you are a woman, you will have the same chances of suffering from diabetes as one who has never smoked.
  • From five years without smoking, depending on the case, until then, the chances of suffering a cardiovascular incident are reduced to those that someone who has not tried tobacco can have.
  • Ten years after smoking, both men and women have the same chance of developing diabetes as a non-smoker.
  • After ten years, the chances of getting lung, mouth, esophagus, throat, and pancreas cancer decrease between 30% and 50%.
  • After fifteen years, the risks of suffering from heart problems are the same as those of a non-smoker.
  • If you are over 75 years old, the risks of losing a tooth decrease to the levels of someone who has not approved tobacco.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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