Vitamins are natural substances essential for the proper functioning of the body. Most vitamins are found in the food we eat. However, there are also multivitamins in capsules, tablets, or injections that offer a more concentrated dose of specific vitamins.
Multivitamins such as neurobion are used mainly to treat the deficiency of some vitamins in the body, which can occur due to illness, pregnancy, poor diet, or stomach problems in the absorption of nutrients. Neurobiol, doloneurobion, neurobion forte … Be that as it may if you want to know what neurobion injections are for, read the following article by FastlyHealcarefully.
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What is the neurobion?
Neurobion injections contain a concentrated formula of vitamin B12, B6, and B1, so their primary function is to provide the body with complex B. This dose of vitamin is not considered harmful to health since the body purifies all the vitamins through urine, making it difficult to overdose on vitamin B.
However, neurobion injections must be prescribed by a doctor since they should not be applied lightly but with a specific objective, such as treating a deficiency or disease or alleviating some particular symptoms.
What are neurobion injections for?
Neurobion injections are composed of vitamin B, and, in general, the vitamins that make up this complex are involved in the health of the nervous system and the synthesis of hormones and blood cells. To better understand the function of neurobion injections in the body, it is necessary to know each of the parts of the vitamins that compose them:
- Vitamin B1: This vitamin has the function of producing energy for neurons. It is essential for the correct functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive systems, and, in addition, it intervenes in the growth process. Its deficiency is rarely common and can lead to mental confusion, memory loss, ataxia, difficulty concentrating, and problems walking.
- Vitamin B6 plays a fundamental role in producing red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen to all tissues of the body. B6 is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, so it is prescribed to treat stress and depression. The deficiency of this vitamin is related to chronic anemia in the body.
- Vitamin B12: it is the best known of the vitamins that make up the B complex and is very important in the metabolism of proteins, the formation of red blood cells, and the optimal functioning of the nervous system.
All of these are the vitamins that make up the injectable neurobionta.
What are neurobion injections prescribed for?
Many pathologies can be treated with neurobion injections; some of the main conditions that are treated with injectable Neurobiol are:
- Nervous system problems . The B complex vitamins have a repairing effect on the nervous system; for this reason, it is common for specialists to prescribe neurobion injections to treat inflammation of a nerve or improve disorders in the transmission of nerve impulses. Therefore, they are used to improve pain caused by the sciatic nerve, lumbago, disc disease of the spine, muscle pain, and cervical contractures.
- Food absorption problems. Neurobion injections replace the nutritional deficit in people with gastric issues whose stomach does not properly absorb all the body’s nutrients through food. Likewise, this multivitamin is also used to treat people with anorexia.
- Anemias . Due to the critical role that the B complex has in the production of red blood cells, neurobion injections can be part of the treatment of people with anemia since they would help the body to increase hemoglobin in the blood and thus treat the symptoms of the disease.
- Neuromuscular pain. When pain or sensitivity in the extremities results from a disorder in the peripheral nerves, neurobion injections in the company of an analgesic act as a reliever of symptoms.
Neurobion contraindications
If we consider that neurobion is a multivitamin supplement, we must bear in mind that it is contraindicated to take other supplements simultaneously. Otherwise, we could suffer a vitamin overdose that can cause severe consequences to our health, including death. You must be critical with vitamins A, E, D, and K to not have any health problems.
On the other hand, it is not indicated to take the neurobion together with milk or other dairy products since the calcium in these foods can make it difficult for our body to absorb vitamins, causing the injectable neurobion not to fulfill its effect.
Neurobion side effects
Neurobion is a product that does not usually generate side effects; however, among the mild reactions that neurobion pain injection can cause in some people, the following stand out:
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting and nausea
- Stomach ache
- Headaches
- Weird taste in the mouth
On the other hand, among the severe side effects, we find all those symptoms that are associated with a severe allergic reaction to neurobionta:
- Skin rash
- Trouble breathing
- Chest pain and a choking sensation
- Swelling of the tongue
If you think you may be feeling some of the symptoms that we have just mentioned, you should immediately visit your doctor to decide if it is necessary to suspend the treatment.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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