How to stop taking omeprazole

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Heartburn, reflux, and ulcers are common problems today. That is why many people are medicated and, sometimes, they self-medicate with drugs that only cover the symptoms and make the issues chronic.

Omeprazole can cause a wide variety of adverse reactions, especially when ingested daily and prolonged.

In this FastlyHealarticle, I will explain the leading causes of gastric disorders usually medicated with omeprazole. I will give you practical advice to know how to stop taking omeprazole correctly permanently.

What happens when you take omeprazole every day

Omeprazole is a medicine that is part of a group of drugs known as ” proton pump inhibitors. ” The proton pump is the system by which acid is released in the stomach. Therefore, taking this medication every day reduces the amount of this substance so necessary for digestion.

On the other hand, it has been seen that taking omeprazole every day and for a long time can cause some symptoms such as:

  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhea.
  • Changes in the intestinal tract with malabsorption.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders of the irritable bowel type.
  • Cellular changes in the stomach with a proliferation of tumors.
  • Hepatic disorder.
  • Reduction of production and absorption of vitamin B12.
  • Magnesium deficiency.
  • Headache.

How long to take omeprazole

It is advised that omeprazole be taken for a limited time since the cause of the problem is not being treated by ingesting it. It is only “covering” a symptom. In addition, as I have told you, it can produce a series of adverse effects.

It is suggested that treatment with omeprazole should not exceed eight weeks, except for those particular cases indicated by medical professionals.

How to stop taking omeprazole correctly.

Omeprazole and other drugs from the same group (esomeprazole or pantoprazole) are frequently ingested, sometimes even without medical indication, which can cause various disorders.

This medication is usually prescribed for the treatment of:

You must understand that omeprazole only reduces the amount of acid produced by your body. It does not attack the cause for which you have these symptoms or imbalances.

In general, the symptoms of heartburn, pain in the pit of the stomach, a sensation of acid rising to the throat, gastrointestinal bleeding, among other symptoms, respond to the more profound imbalance of indigestion that can be related to:

  • An unhealthy diet.
  • The wrong combination of foods.
  • Stress.
  • Negative emotions when eating food.
  • Eating in a rush or inappropriate way.
  • Lack of space between meals.
  • Intake of liquids with food.
  • Consumption of tobacco, alcohol, coffee.
  • Lie down after eating.

So if you treat the real cause of your problem, no medication will be necessary. If your doctor does not tell you otherwise and you want to stop taking omeprazole, for this, it is essential that you first change your habits and achieve good digestion:

Choose your food better.

Processed foods seem to be part of our lives, but they are far from being the foods we need. They cause major digestive disorders and promote the accumulation of waste in the body.

Natural foods are easier to digest and therefore help keep your body healthier.

On the other hand, there are some foods and drinks that can cause more gastric disorders, such as:

  • Red wine.
  • Meats.
  • Cheeses
  • Fermented.
  • Leavened bread.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Spicy
  • Acidic foods.
  • Salty foods
  • Fried food.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Avocado.

Combine food well

To make meals feel better, I advise you to choose at each meal:

  • A type of cereal (rice, wheat, corn, quinoa, millet, etc.).
  • A variety of protein (legumes, meat, eggs, or dairy).
  • Seasonal vegetables.

If you combine many different foods, you will be more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal problems.

It is convenient to eat fewer meals a day but more complete. You will feel satisfied for longer, and digestion will be more appropriate.

Eat slowly

Not only what you eat is essential, but how you do it. Certain habits promote poor digestion, such as: eating quickly and not taking time to taste and appreciate what you eat, especially if you do it while experiencing discomfort, anger, or stress.

Give that moment its importance: your nutrition largely determines your well-being.

Avoid eating sweets after meals

The dessert custom is prevalent, but it makes digestion very difficult and encourages heartburn and gastric problems.

On the other hand, something also important is to consume fruits away from other foods: two hours after or half an hour before other meals, since if they do not ferment and promote discomfort.

Liquids before eating

For the stomach to work correctly, I recommend avoiding all kinds of drinks during meals, especially if they have gas or are cold.

When you incorporate water or any other drink with food, your stomach must release more gastric acid to digest the food, and the result will be heartburn later.

So, you ask yourself: how to avoid choking while eating? The answer is how you eat: eat slowly, chew very well, and make the saliva do the first part of digestion. It is also essential that the food is not too dry, since if it has moisture and unctuousness, it will make you less thirsty while you eat.

Check your emotions

Accumulated grudges, poorly managed stress, and responding to external demands to you, among other emotional discomforts, directly impact your body. Reviewing your emotions and feelings can give you more answers than you need and help you feel much better.

How can I substitute omeprazole?

As I have told you, the idea is to treat the cause directly. If you can identify and correct what is causing your heartburn, you will not need omeprazole or other medications.

If you prefer to cover the acidity with other drugs, you can go to ranitidine, sucralfate, or even home remedies that reduce the acid or the sensations of poor digestion.

Natural remedies for heartburn

Some herbal options can help you reduce heartburn, such as:

  • Aloe vera: exerts an action similar to sucralfate, helping to protect the stomach lining from the effect of acid.
  • Linden: helps mitigate anxiety and the effects of heartburn.
  • Lavender: it is a natural pacifier for the burning sensation of the stomach. It is an excellent option to reduce acidity in infusions and even aromatizing environments.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to stop taking omeprazole, we recommend that you enter our Medication and medical tests category.

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