Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Vulvar varicose veins: symptoms and treatment

Vulvar varicose veins: symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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The vulvar veins, typical of women, are communicated with each other and are located between the sector of internal and external organs that are found in the pelvic part, more specifically, up to the thighs and the genital area. Vulvar varicose veins can occur in any sector of the extensive indicated area, which usually appears during pregnancy and, generally, does not present problems of thrombosis or bleeding. However, they can cause various disorders as a result of circulation problems.

Although it is not usual to start treatment for vulvar varicose veins while the woman is pregnant, it must be started after giving birth. This disorder disappears over time, but a doctor must perform the control properly. If you want to know more about this alteration, in the following FastlyHealarticle, we provide you with all the information about vulvar varicose veins: symptoms and treatment.

Causes of vulvar varicose veins

It is widespread for vulvar varicose veins to appear in pregnant women because their body begins to produce more hormones, which add to the baby’s weight and create this type of varicose vein. Also, the veins in this area become more significant due to the poor mobility that pregnant women can have.

Another cause of vulvar varicose veins is when the baby is significant, and its weight is excessive for the woman’s body, so it causes varicose veins to appear in the part of the vulva that must be controlled by a specialist, mainly those pregnant women with a tendency to hemorrhoids.

On the other hand, as the blood supply increases considerably in women expecting a child, the vulvar varicose veins that appear can increase as the pregnancy progresses.

Varicose veins generally appear after the fifth month in women going through their second pregnancy. They tend to ruin the appearance and cause many pregnant women to have low self-esteem; however, this disorder can improve with proper treatment.

Vulvar varicose veins: symptoms

Among the most frequent symptoms of vulvar varicose veins, the pain and discomfort that they cause stand out, which appears when the patient remains without much movement for a long time. This alteration tends to diminish with high temperatures, for example, during the summer months and becomes more robust at the end of the day.

Generally, vulvar varicose veins have the appearance of a bluish cord and can be seen with the naked eye, especially when the patient is standing. Also, this disorder can cause burning in the legs and a feeling of heaviness.

Another common symptomatology in those who suffer from vulvar varicose veins is sudden cramps, more frequently at night, so the tingling sensation in the legs can affect considerably without resting correctly.

On the other hand, ankle swelling or edema may also occur while resting. Tiredness and various skin disorders can also be symptoms of vulvar varicose veins; however, their intensity is not proportional to the size of the varicose veins.

Vulvar varicose veins: natural treatment

It is essential that, if a person has one or more of the symptoms mentioned above, they consult a doctor so that they offer the most appropriate treatment for each case. This is because the procedure used will depend on the severity of the disorder, that is, the degree of venous insufficiency and the woman’s symptoms. Mostly, treatments are limited to preventive measures, and the use of various compression means that the specialist will evaluate each particular case.

Compression media are very effective in treating and preventing vulvar varicose veins. Among the most prominent are stockingssocksbandages, and pantyhose. These are responsible for exerting pressure on the legs, mainly where the superficial veins are located, preventing an accumulation of blood in them and improving various symptoms such as pain.

Likewise, using the compression media indicated by the doctor helps avoid the appearance of different complications that can worsen the clinical picture, such as varicose ulcers.

Vulvar varicose veins: drug treatment

Your doctor may recommend various drugs to improve the symptoms of vulvar varicose veins. Venotonic drugs are highly recommended to make the walls of the veins stronger while avoiding a dilation of the veins.

You can also opt for anticoagulants that are ideal for preventing blood clots from forming in the internal part of the arteries and veins, aggravating the condition. If one already exists, these drugs will prevent it from spreading. According to the medications recommended by the specialist, they can alleviate the feeling of heaviness, calm fatigue, reduce edema or improve the general discomfort caused by vulvar varicose veins. However, it is essential to consume them only under medical recommendations.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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