Home Nail diseases How to cure a big toe nail

How to cure a big toe nail

by Alivia Nyhan
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It is expected that at some point in your life, you notice that you have a toenail, ingrown toenail, or what is medically known as onychocryptosis. This is usually a common condition at one end or the other of the toenail that causes pain, swelling, and redness. It is common in the big toe. However, no toe is exempt from having an ingrown toenail or toenail.

There are many ways to heal a big toenail – from home remedies to specialized medical treatments. If you want to know them, we invite you to read this article by FastlyHealon on how to cure a nail on the big toe.

What is a fingernail?

Onychocryptosis, toenail, or ingrown toenail are the terms that define this popular and widely common condition. It usually occurs in the big toe, the hallux toe. However, no toe is exempt from having a nail.

The nail on the big toe occurs when the end of the pin penetrates the skin of the toe, acting as if it were a foreign body inside the skin, causing inflammation, redness, and pain at the end of the nail.

Causes of fingernails

Onychocryptosis or nail on the big toe can be generated from any of these causes:

  • Malformations: those with a genetic component of malformation, both in the nail and in the shape of the finger, have a greater predisposition to suffer from fingernails.
  • Osteoarthritis: people who suffer from this pathology tend to have ingrown nails.
  • Injuries: This can be enough to develop a nail on the big toe, whether after sports practice or some footwear.
  • Inappropriate footwear: the characteristics of some footwear can trigger the appearance of an ingrown toenail. This can happen if the footwear is very tight or if they have a narrow toe.
  • Gait and tread: the way you run, walk and move can influence the appearance of a toenail on the side of the nail.
  • Bad nail cutting: the most important of all the causes associated with the appearance of a nail in the wrong nail cut. If a proper amount is not made, a peak may appear that penetrates deeply into the skin, causing this typical problem—the ingrown toenail.
  • Other causes: lack of sweating of the feet or excess of it, fungus, overweight or obesity.

The ingrown toenail has two variations: a lateral one, which is the most common, and an anterior one which occurs when the nail becomes ingrown or penetrates the skin forward.

Symptoms of a big toenail

We realize that we have a nail on the big toe when the following symptoms appear:

A nail on the big toe can be classified into different degrees according to the involvement of the nail and the surrounding skin:

  • Grade I: when the nail only causes pain, swelling, and redness.
  • Grade II: when infection by bacteria that habitually inhabit the skin is associated, pus appears that can even ooze from the end of the nail.
  • Grade III: characterized by the presence of hypertrophic tissue around the nail.

How to heal a nail on the big toe

First of all, it is essential to maintain the basic measures to heal the nail in the shortest possible time. This includes:

  • The foot must always be clean. This avoids the risk of bacteria growth. In addition to bathing, it is essential to change stockings or socks regularly.
  • It is essential to wear comfortable shoes of the appropriate size. In this way, you avoid pressure on the big toe and nail.
  • The warm water is beneficial when used three times a day. This is achieved by having a soft nail.
  • The consumption of pain relievers without a prescription is recommended when the pain in the nail is severe, including paracetamol, ibuprofen, metamizole, or dipyrone.
  • If the nail on the big toe has become infected, you can resort to antibiotic cream after a doctor’s review. An example of an ointment for an infected nail is funding.

The estimated time you should improve a nail is 2 to 7 days in mild cases, avoid wearing high-heeled or tight shoes. If it does not improve in that period, it should be evaluated by a specialist who will determine the individualized treatment of your nail.

Concerning the symptoms you present and the review, the doctor may opt for conservative or surgical treatment for your nail on the big toe:

Conservative treatment

It is characterized by cutting with a scalpel on the edge of the nail that is ingrown. This technique allows future nail growths to follow another appropriate course to not re-penetrate the skin of the big toe.

Surgical treatment

It is based on performing outpatient surgery when the conservative technique has been ineffective or when there is a granuloma. The surgical procedure is called chemical mastoidectomy, and the result will be that the edge will no longer grow. Thus the nail will improve its aesthetic appearance.

Home remedies to heal a nail

Some natural remedies can be pretty effective. If you are wondering how to remove a toenail without pain at home, in the shortest possible time and effectively, try some of them:

Vitamin E acceptance

This oil is ideal for the moment to soften and moisten the nails. Vitamin E allows easy and early healing of the skin. Here are the steps to use the oil correctly:

  • Apply this oil to the place of the nail.
  • Let it act until it is absorbed.
  • Apply several times a day until you can easily cut the nail.

If you don’t have vitamin E oil, you can also use jojoba or castor oil.


With its application, the nails are easily prevented and cured since it allows to keep the nails hydrated naturally. In addition, honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which are ideal to avoid infections and severe inflammation in the surrounding area of ​​the nail.

Its application is simple: apply the honey to the affected area and leave it to act for several hours. You can do it for a week or every day to avoid its appearance.


Just by using it for a week, the nail will gradually disappear. Cut a lemon in half, put a little salt and rub it on the affected surface.


When you have a nail on your big toe, preparing an infusion of thyme can produce good results as it is a natural pain reliever. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Bring one glass of water and one tablespoon of thyme to a boil.
  • After boiling, let it cool to be able to use it.
  • Dip your finger with your fingernail in this infusion for 10 minutes three times a day.

Learn more about thyme in the article Health Benefits of Thyme.


These have a high amount of vitamin E and fatty acids, effective in treating swelling, inflammation, and whitlow. We recommend the following steps:

  • Let a handful of almonds soak overnight.
  • The next day, peel the almonds and grind them.
  • Mix with one egg yolk and one tablespoon of honey.
  • Before going to sleep, apply the prepared mixture and leave it to act overnight.

For it to work, you must rinse your footwell the following day. If you do this home remedy 2-3 times a week, you will see positive results for your big toenail.

More on how to cure a toenail in the big toe in Home remedies to cure a toenail.

What care should I have at home if I have a nail?

If it is a mild case, you can quickly alleviate the symptoms of your ingrown toenail at home, as follows:

  • Apply hot water 3 to 4 times a day to keep the nail soft and soft. The rest of the day, you should keep the foot completely dry.
  • Gently massage the inflamed skin.
  • Use cotton wool with some antiseptic and place it near the ingrown toenail.

This can be done together with natural remedies, which will help heal the big toe’s nails quickly.

How to avoid a nail on the big toe?

You should take into account some tips to avoid the appearance of fingernails, in case you suffer from them repeatedly:

  • Straight nail cutting: avoid making curved nail cuts, do it straight and follow their natural shape.
  • Proper footwear: avoid wearing very tight shoes or putting a lot of pressure on the tip of the feet, as increased pressure can cause the nail to grow into the skin.
  • Safety footwear: footwear use, such as safety boots, will be conducive if you carry out work activities that represent a risk of injuring your feet.
  • Go to the podiatrist: the podiatrist is the specialist diagnosing and treats all foot problems. He attends his consultation to prevent the appearance of toenails and control the health of your feet.

If you have an ingrown toenail or toenail, it is best to visit the podiatrist for personalized help. It is essential as serious complications such as toe infection can be associated, especially if you suffer from diabetes mellitus.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to cure a nail on the big toe, we recommend that you enter our category of Skin, hair, and nails.

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