How to cure a toe infection

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The toes perform essential functions such as helping to move and maintain balance. But sometimes, wearing tight shoes or playing sports like running can cause toe injuries. Those traumatic injuries caused by falls, through sharp objects or penetrating punctures, can generate infection in the toe.

In this FastlyHealarticle, you will be able to learn how to cure a toe infection, identify the causes that give rise to it to learn how to treat the disease through medical treatment and natural remedies.

Causes of toe infection

The toes are exposed to different causes capable of triggering infectious processes in the fingers. Before knowing how to cure a toe infection, it is essential to understand how they have happened to offer you the correct treatment. Among these causes, the most frequent are:


Some alterations due to overuse can give rise to the appearance of infection in the toe, such as:

  • Wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose.
  • Unforeseen injuries such as a fall.
  • Pressure from the fall of an object on the toes.
  • Wounds from trauma.

Ingrown toenail

This alteration, which frequently occurs in the big toe, consists of introducing the toenail at the upper end or on the side of the toe, specifically into the interior of the skin that surrounds the nail.

An ingrown toenail causes the following symptoms :

  • Pain.
  • Inflammation.
  • Redness of the toe.
  • An infection in the big toe can arise from an ingrown toenail.

More information on this toe condition in How to cure an ingrown toenail.


It is an infectious process of bacterial origin characterized by inflammation and reddish color of the skin that covers the toes, accompanied by heat and pain. This infection occurs due to wounds, which are the entry point for bacteria that cause this infection.


It is also known as whitlow or nail. It consists of the skin infection that surrounds the staple of the toes due to irritation or injury to the skin.

The infection can be due to bacteria or fungi, causing pain and sensitivity to the touch, presenting heat, zero purulent discharge, swelling, and even reddish coloration at the injury site.

Raynaud’s disease

It is a syndrome that affects the fingers and toes, and it is characterized by:

  • Feel cold in the fingers.
  • Color changes.
  • Tingling sensation.
  • Numbness of the foot

It can cause loss of sensation, increasing the risk of injuries that a toe infection could cause.

Toe infection treatment

A doctor should indicate the treatment of toe infection according to the cause that gives rise to the disease.

The first thing your doctor will recommend is comfortable footwear that does not cause foot injuries. In the same way, it is necessary to avoid the trauma that can cause wounds or injuries.

Treatment of paronychia infection

In the case of paronychia or nail, the doctor will drain the lesion and take a sample to analyze the discharge. Through it, you will know the type of bacteria causing the infection and, in this way, the precise antibiotic to fight it will be indicated.

Ingrown toenail infection treatment

In the presence of an ingrown toenail, the doctor will lift the nail of the affected finger to separate it from the skin, thus making the nail grow above the skin, preventing it from becoming ingrown.

In more severe cases, the doctor will proceed to remove part of the ingrown toenail in the office with local anesthesia.

Cellulitis infection treatment

Suppose the infection in the toe is the product of cellulitis after a medical evaluation. In that case, it will be indicated how to cure the condition of the toe with antibiotics, which should be taken orally for 5 to 14 days.

In severe cases, hospitalization will be needed to comply with intravenous antibiotics if symptoms worsen.

Raynaud’s disease treatment

If it is Raynaud’s disease, the doctor will be in charge of indicating the treatment according to the symptoms that the patient presents. This will range from vasodilators to calcium blockers to improve blood perfusion. They will also contribute to better healing if there is the presence of ulcers on the fingers.

How to heal a toe infection

To cure the toe infection, you need to follow these steps:

  • The state of the lesion must be evaluated, whether it is superficial or deep, and the severity of the infectious process and the treatment to be indicated will depend on this.
  • Verify the symptoms that you present. This is evidenced if it is a mild or severe infection. Knowing the accompanying symptoms, such as pain or discoloration, is necessary to take the appropriate measures to help eliminate the symptoms.
  • If you have applied home remedies and the infection does not improve, go to the doctor. Its evaluation is essential.

Natural remedies to cure toe infection

Nature offers us a great variety of natural remedies that we have at our fingertips to heal injuries. Next, you will know some of them for their multiple benefits and how to cure a toe infection with natural remedies:

Tea tree oil

The oil tea tree is known for its excellent antibacterial and antifungal effect, so its application in infectious lesions on fingers foot has been helpful.

Here’s how to cure a toe infection step by step with tea tree oil:

  • Mix one tablespoon of tea tree oil with one tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Soak a cotton ball in this mixture.
  • Rub the lesion with the soaked cotton and repeat two times a day until you see improvement.

Apple vinegar

It is a beneficial home remedy as a bactericide to fight infections anywhere in the body, especially on the toes. To do this, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it on the injury site. Its application will be daily to achieve how to cure a toe infection and see the results.


Garlic is a natural antibiotic, making it the ideal remedy for treating finger and toenail infections.

Here’s how to cure a garlic toe infection:

  • Crush 2 garlic cloves into a paste.
  • Apply this paste to the injury.
  • Cover with a compress and leave to act.

This natural garlic remedy to cure the infection should be applied at night.


Lemon has excellent antiseptic properties that accelerate the healing of any infectious process in the toes. If you want to place it in the place of infection, you will need a compress soaked in a container with the juice of ½ lemon and then let it act for several hours.

If there are injuries to the nails, it is recommended to rub them with this juice since this will prevent the appearance of fungus. Lemon juice is left to act for several hours and can be repeated several times a day.

Onion juice

This juice has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, ideal for treating finger infections. To prepare the juice, you will need to juice 1/2 onion and apply it to the injury site. Its daily use will leave excellent results: bacteria will be eliminated, preventing fungus growth on foot.

Learn about the health benefits of onion in the following article.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to cure a toe infection, we recommend that you enter our Bones, Joints, and Muscles category.

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