Home Women's HealthMenopause How to combat fluid retention in menopause

How to combat fluid retention in menopause

by Alivia Nyhan
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Menopause is a stage of life that brings significant emotional and physical changes. Within these, hormonal changes produce, among other effects, a reduction in estrogen levels that can trigger a greater predisposition to fluid retention or dropsy. This problem can occur from the climacteric and throughout the menopause process in the following years. As we know that fluid retention can be very uncomfortable and even cause more severe health problems, at FastlyHealwe explain the therapies and habits to understand how to combat fluid retention in menopause efficiently and healthily.

Adequate hydration against fluid retention

Although dropsy is associated with excess water, the lack of optimal hydration facilitates fluid retention in the body since it is left without enough vital fluid to perform the corresponding functions of detoxification and circulation through the lymphatic system.

It is important to drink several glasses of water a day, but not small sips, but full glasses when you are thirsty because, at that moment, the body will know how to make the most of the water you are drinking.

You also have to discern between drinking water and what it is to drink other drinks. Except for a coffee or infusion of natural leaves without added sugar, any other drink that contains sugars activates the secretion of insulin, and this means that the liquid you are consuming, whether it is healthier or less, cannot be used efficiently to hydrate you and step, go to hold as well.

Adequate hydration against fluid retention

Lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy for fluid retention in menopause

Lymphatic drainage is another excellent therapeutic option against this problem. There are machines and professionals specialized in promoting obstructed lymphatic flow, which is also responsible for this problem, which does not only have aesthetic implications but also damages health in general, since immune, dead cells and substances that must be mobilized or evacuated to through the lymphatic system they do not reach their destinations when they are retained.

The modern option of pressotherapy is also performed with a machine specialized in performing mechanical massages to stimulate circulatory and lymphatic flow and muscle toning. This method can be adapted to the requirements or complications in each woman’s situation.

Lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy for fluid retention in menopause

Massages against dropsy

Lymphatic drainage can also be done manually through specific massages to promote blood and lymph circulation, being useful if you also have varicose veins in the legs. Massages for these purposes are mainly circular and in a direction from the periphery towards the center of the body, for example, from hands to arms or from feet to legs.

The specialist or your doctor will indicate the amount of these massages you need to treat your problem, but keep in mind that it is not healthy to overdo it.

Elevate the legs to eliminate fluid retention in menopause

Support your legs outstretched on the wall every day, with your torso lying on a flat and comfortable surface, and keep your portions in that position to combat fluid retention and varicose veins in the legs. Take 15 to 20 minutes for this pose. In addition, it will be relaxing and can help relieve some pain.

There are even more postures, common in Pilates and yoga, called inverted postures, which will help you reduce those edema and unwanted accumulations of water throughout your body, mainly in the feet, legs, hips, and arms on the posture to be used. Perform. Some of the postures are:

  • Candle pose
  • Plow pose
  • Kundalini lotus pose
  • Lower abs

These postures can mean a more significant effort, so they are performed for a maximum of 2 minutes a day if you are not a practitioner of such disciplines or do not have an instructor’s initial supervision.

The constant practice of simple exercises such as jumping and running is crucial to preventing or combating fluid retention, especially those that work toning and aligning the hips and abdominal core.

Diet to combat fluid retention in menopause

A diet that favors eliminating fluid retention at the time of menopause stands out for the following two points:

Reduce salt and sodium intake

This element favors the retention of liquids in the body, for which you must eliminate artificial sources of salt as much as possible. Natural sources of sodium, such as fish and some vegetables, also contain potassium, another nutrient that counterbalances the sodium in these same foods. Thus, in these natural amounts, they do not cause imbalances. Eliminate the consumption of products with monosodium glutamate and refined salt—instead, preferably sea salt or the beneficial Himalayan salt, portion-wise with either.

Increase the consumption of foods with potassium

Papaya, bananas, bananas, and avocado are the first options to eat frequently if you want to naturally increase the consumption of potassium in your body and combat dropsy. Avocado is a very fatty food, but calm. It is a healthy fat that helps you eliminate what may be extra.

Increase the consumption of foods with potassium

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to combat fluid retention in menopause, we recommend that you enter our category of the Female reproductive system.

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