Home Women's HealthMenopause Home remedies for menopause

Home remedies for menopause

by Alivia Nyhan
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Home remedies for menopause

Menopause is when the woman’s life when menstruation ceases utterly due to natural hormonal change that occurs in the female body between 45 and 55 years. Menopause begins when the ovaries stop producing eggs, resulting in a decrease in the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, as well as a series of changes in women that can be difficult to cope with and significantly affect their quality of life.

The most common symptoms caused by menopause are hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue, mood swings, depression, cold sweats, urine leaks, decreased blood calcium, weight gain, loss of sexual desire, vaginal dryness, frustration, irritability, sadness. All women of mature age will have to face this process, as there is no way to avoid it. However, some home remedies for menopause can help alleviate some symptoms and make all these changes more bearable. This FastlyHealarticle will find some natural alternatives to improve menopausal symptoms.

Valerian infusion

Valerian is a plant that acts as a natural sedative thanks to its power to relax the brain and nervous system, so specialists highly recommend it for insomnia and reducing stress and anxiety. During menopause, many psychological changes affect the emotional well-being of women since the hormonal disorders that occur in this process affect the chemistry of the brain, causing women to feel sadness, anguish, frustration, anxiety, irritability, and nervousness.

Valerian, for having the property of relaxing the nervous system, is of great help to alleviate states of sadness and stress. Also, due to its sedative effect, this plant makes it easier to fall asleep, becoming a natural alternative to control insomnia and promote deep rest. You can take advantage of the benefits of valerian by taking a cup of infusion an hour before bedtime or when episodes of distress occur. Because its benefits are so well known in the market and herbalists, you can find valerian infusion capsules and sachets ready to prepare at home.

In this article, you can discover all the health benefits of valerian.

Valerian infusion

Sage, celery, and lemon

The decrease in estrogen results in alterations in body temperature in menopause that cause it to rise, especially at night, and cause a lot of heat, flushing, and sweating. This symptom is most evident on the chest and face, which also causes dizziness, headache, and redness.

To counteract this discomfort, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of sage, celery, and lemon, which will help regulate hot flashes and excessive sweating if taken for nine days in a row three times a day. To prepare this home remedy for menopause, you will have to cut the celery and lemon without peeling and cook it with the sage until it boils. Then let it rest for 15 minutes, strain, and relax.

In this article, we recommend some home remedies for excessive sweating.

Soy to eat

Soy is an excellent natural remedy for menopause, thanks to its high content of isoflavones. This compound acts in the body as an estrogenic or antiestrogenic, depending on the body’s need. In the case of menopause, soy isoflavones are of great help because as estrogen snows fall, this natural compound compensates for the deficit and helps considerably reduce symptoms such as hot flashes, fatigue, night sweats, and mood changes.

In addition, isoflavones are incredibly beneficial for women since they prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone density, which is very helpful during menopause when calcium levels are reduced, and bones are weakened. The best way to receive all these benefits is through taking supplements or adding soy to your meals regularly.

Soy to eat

Licorice infusions

Another alternative to isoflavones is licorice tea. There are many medicinal properties of this plant. Still, among all of them, its high content of glycyrrhizic acid stands out, a substance that acts on the adrenal gland by stimulating the production of well-being hormones that reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety that are very characteristic of menopause. Likewise, this plant also exerts an estrogenic activity, which allows it to moderately balance the fall in estrogen levels, alleviating much of the symptoms of this female stage.

To take advantage of the benefits of licorice, the ideal is to prepare an infusion with the root of this plant and take it three times a day. In herbalists, you can find a more commercial version of the plant and easy to prepare. Of course, if you suffer from hypertension, it is not recommended that you consume this home remedy for menopause, as it can increase blood pressure.

Licorice infusions

Cohosh negro

Black cohosh is a natural phytoestrogen that helps control some of the symptoms of menopause, such as changes in body temperature. However, consuming supplements containing concentrated extract is advisable for this natural remedy to be effective. You must ensure the quality of the product, that it is effective and that it is clinically proven. Ideally, you should consult with your gynecologist before consuming black cohosh, and he advises you and recommend where to buy it.

Cohosh negro

C vitamin

Vitamin C is perhaps the most potent and natural antioxidant out there. During menopause, the skin is also affected since alterations in the production of female hormones result in extreme dryness of the body’s entire skin. This vitamin’s antioxidant effect helps reverse the impact of free radicals, which prevents premature cell aging and helps the skin to remain firm and smooth for much longer. Not in vain most cosmetics for the face contain this vitamin among its active ingredients.

Take advantage of the benefits of vitamin C for the skin by taking a supplement every day or adding foods rich in this vitamin, such as guava, orange, kiwi, broccoli, watercress, and strawberries, to your diet. You can also use vitamin C-based face masks to improve the appearance of wrinkles on your face and prevent dry skin from menopause from making furrows worse.

C vitamin

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for menopause, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.


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