Period and ovulation go hand in hand, both controlled by female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Therefore, when these levels drop, some symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, and irregular periods start. When the issue begins to stabilize, the period no longer slips, and it is considered that if more than a year passes without it, menopause has arrived.
Are you interested in knowing if you can get pregnant after a year without your period? Continue reading the article that FastlyHealpresents to you. You will also find information about the possible risks of a pregnancy in menopause and when you can have unprotected sex during that stage.
Table of Contents
After a year without menstruation, can you get pregnant?
Between the ages of 45 and 55, the climacteric and menopausal periods begin, two moments typical of every woman:
- The climacteric is all the time that elapses before and after menopause. It is when all the hormonal changes typical of this stage begin to occur: body levels of estrogen and progesterone fall, causing the woman to go through many symptoms, such as hot flashes, menstrual disturbances, genital discomfort, such as lack of lubrication or burning, recurrent urinary tract infections, sleep disturbances, depression, among others.
- Menopause proper is when the period is suspended for a year and does not return. From this moment, there is no ovulation, which would be essential for a woman to become pregnant.
On the other hand, in all the moments before menopause, that is, during the climacteric, there may be ovulation, with which a pregnancy can occur. Eggs in women older than 35-38 years begin to age little by little. As age increases, the chances of genetic alterations are more significant, and pregnancies can be riskier than in younger women.
There is a possibility for those women who want to get pregnant after menopause, and that is through assisted fertilization. Although ovulation no longer occurs, the uterus retains its ability to nest in a pregnancy if the necessary hormones are administered, and an in vitro fertilized egg is implanted (the egg is usually obtained by egg donation). There are numerous reproduction institutes in which they analyze each case in particular, and in most of them, fertilizations are carried out on women up to 50 years old. After that age, pregnancy becomes a little more complicated.
Risk of pregnancy in menopause
Suppose a woman is in menopause and undergoes assisted fertilization treatment. In that case, she can conceive a pregnancy, and while there is much less chance that the fetus will have some genetic alteration, there may be some risks during pregnancy. When the woman is previously studied, these risks can go down, ruling out possible diseases or conditions that could generate a risky pregnancy. On the other hand, assisted fertilization involves periodic controls and monitoring of the pregnancy necessary to resolve possible complications.
Among these complications in the pregnancy of older women are:
- Preterm delivery: delivery occurs earlier than expected, which carries risks for the baby, as it may require special care and assistance.
- Postpartum complications: increased bleeding, infections, and postpartum depression are some of the possibilities.
- Problems with the placenta.
- Gestational diabetes is a malfunction of the pancreas during pregnancy, which causes glucose levels to rise above the ordinary. It involves certain precautions, rigorous monitoring, and a special diet.
- Arterial hypertension: it is the increase in pressure above standard limits. It can bring complications to the liver, kidneys, and nervous system levels.
- Kidney problems can be overloaded and not work correctly or become infected more easily.
- Depression and psychological disorders are more likely in older pregnancies.
Es fundamental que si una mujer quiere concebir un embarazo en etapas avanzadas de la vida, antes y durante el mismo, debe llevar un estilo de vida saludable: alimentarse sanamente, hacer ejercicio periódicamente (adecuado al embarazo), beber agua y dejar de lado tóxicos como alcohol, tabaco, alimentos procesados (con colorantes, conservantes, endulzantes), azúcar, harinas, lácteos. Un cuerpo en equilibrio puede afrontar de mejor manera los posibles desequilibrios causados por la maternidad. Por otro lado, afrontar la maternidad en estas etapas exige que la madre tenga contención y compañía para sobrellevar mejor los cambios que implica tener un hijo.
¿Cuándo se pueden tener relaciones sin protección en la menopausia?
As we have seen, the arrival of menopause occurs when the period does not go down for a year. At this time, there is no ovulation. Therefore, the possibility of pregnancy is remote.
As is known in medicine, not everything is exact. There may be a very exceptional case in which an ovum may remain. However, this is less and less possible as the period continues without lowering since both ovulation and the menstrual period are regulated by hormones, which decrease their level more and more as time goes by—more extended period without menstruation, less chance of pregnancy.
De todas maneras, aunque no exista la posibilidad de embarazo, sí existe el riesgo de contraer enfermedades de transmisión sexual al tener relaciones sin protección con condón, por lo tanto, es algo que también debe tenerse muy en cuenta a la hora de decidir no cuidarse más.
Este artículo es meramente informativo, en FastlyHeal .com no tenemos facultad para recetar tratamientos médicos ni realizar ningún tipo de diagnóstico. Te invitamos a acudir a un médico en el caso de presentar cualquier tipo de condición o malestar.
Si deseas leer más artículos parecidos a ¿Después de un año sin regla, se puede quedar embarazada?, te recomendamos que entres en nuestra categoría de Sistema reproductor femenino.

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