Coughing is a common condition that appears after a cold or flu. Still, it can also manifest when our throat and airways become irritated due to asthma, gastroesophageal reflux, or habits such as smoking. Recovery is sometimes slow and is linked to variables such as the presence or absence of mucus, the condition that causes it, our environment’s environmental conditions, and our diet. How do you read! And some foods can increase spasms, increase mucus production or further irritate the throat, prolonging the discomfort.
If you want to identify those ingredients that do not benefit you, keep reading because at FastlyHealwe explain which foods make your cough worse and delay your recovery.
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Causes of dry cough and cough with phlegm
Not all coughs are the same; specialists usually differentiate them as a dry cough, one in which there is no expulsion of mucus from the lungs, and a cough with phlegm, in which we do have mucus. Each one has different triggers; knowing them and identifying our type of cough is essential to choosing the right foods that promote our recovery.
Causes of dry cough
- Smoking or being a passive smoker.
- I have bronchial asthma.
- She was suffering from respiratory allergies.
- We suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, that feeling of heartburn that rises our esophagus. If this condition occurs frequently, it can cause lesions in the esophagus, producing an inexplicable cough.
Causes of coughing up phlegm
- Flu the cold.
- Bronchitis or pneumonia.
- Sinusitis with postnasal drip.
- Inflammations in the respiratory tract.
When the cough is acute, it usually appears suddenly, usually due to a cold or infection, disappearing within a maximum of 3 weeks; this is the most common type of cough. However, if the condition lasts more than three weeks, it is known as subacute, while if the state lasts for more than three months, we would be talking about a chronic cough. Any intense, muscular spasm with excellent mucus or lasts for more than three weeks warrants consulting a doctor to determine the cause and apply the appropriate treatment.
Avoid fatty dairy in cough with phlegm.
If you have a cough with phlegm, it is essential that, from now on, you remove all dairy products from your diet except yogurt, as this contains probiotics that will help you fight against the infection that causes this condition, improving the picture.
So why are the rest of dairy not recommended? Well, due to their high-fat content, they stimulate a more excellent production of mucus, increasing the amount of phlegm and difficulty in breathing. The foods that make the cough worse are whole milk, fatty cheeses, cream, butter, and products made with these, such as ice cream, pizza, or cream-based sauces.
Say no to foods high in salt.
We know that excess salt in the diet is not beneficial, as it increases blood pressure and promotes fluid retention, but sodium is also harmful when we have a cough. This is because salt increases the presence of water in the tissues of the bronchial tubes, which can increase inflammation in the lungs and produce thicker mucus in the case of coughing up phlegm.
It is best to use aromatic plants and spices to flavor our dishes and avoid consuming salty snacks, salted nuts, or sausages, which could worsen our condition.
Avoid saturated fats in your diet.
Did you know that saturated fats can increase inflammation in our bodies? For this reason, fried, battered, or breaded foods, fatty meats, sausages, or junk food are among the foods that make coughs worse and should be kept at bay while we recover.
Saturated fats can increase lung inflammation and even worsen conditions such as bronchitis or pneumonia, so you should not abuse them if you have a cough.
Give the caffeine a break
Stimulants such as coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks, or energy drinks should also be avoided when we have a cough because due to their caffeine content, they can increase the frequency and intensity of spasms, making the cough worse.
Replace them with caffeine-free drinks while you recover, and you will notice the difference.
Do not eat icy food
Just as hot foods help squid irritation of the throat and respiratory tract and facilitate the expulsion of mucus, cold foods could cause discomfort and increase, at least momentarily, the cough. Even if you want to eat that ice cream or drink that glass of cold soda, it is essential not to do it while you have a cough if you guarantee a speedy recovery.
Foods that help calm a cough.
- Soups and hot broths.
- Fruits rich in vitamin C such as kiwi, tangerine, orange, grapefruit, or pineapple.
- Infusion of eucalyptus, thyme, or ginger.
- A tablespoon of honey with or without lemon.
- A glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon.
- Add a little cayenne pepper to your dishes; its capsaicin content reduces inflammation and congestion and can help you fight a cough.
- Increase your water intake; it will calm irritation and help you clear mucus if there is any.
But these are not the only ingredients that can make you recover faster; in our articles, home remedies for dry cough and home remedies for cough with phlegm, we give you excellent alternatives to make you feel much better.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Foods that make the cough worse , we recommend that you enter our Lung and respiratory tract category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.