Home Medical dictionary Definition of all or nothing law

Definition of all or nothing law

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The law of all or nothing applies to our nerve impulses; it is a neurophysiological principle that establishes whether or not there is a reaction to an external stimulus based on its ability to cross our excitability threshold.

You want to know more? In FastlyHealwe, explain the definition of the law of all or nothing simply.

All or nothing law concept

The excitability threshold is the amount of stimulus needed to produce a neuron’s activity; this neuronal activity will be governed by the law of all or nothing.

When we speak of this law, we refer to the neurophysiological principle. If a stimulus is of sufficient intensity to reach or exceed the excitation threshold of a neuron, a nerve impulse of the same magnitude will be triggered. If the motivation is weak, then the excitability threshold will not be exceeded, and therefore no type of reaction will occur.

When the stimulus crosses the threshold, a whole occurs, that is, a reaction, while if the same inspiration does not have enough intensity to reach this threshold, then nothing will happen. Hence, this law is known as all or nothing.

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