Chest injuries can be problematic, but not all are serious, and not all should be treated equally. An infection can cause a pimple with pus in the chest, but it can also be caused by a blocked duct in the breast, an allergy, and even cancer, although in the latter case, it is rare.
Next, in this FastlyHealarticle, you will find all the information you need to know to differentiate a pimple with pus in the breast from other similar lesions, why it comes out, and how to cure it.
Table of Contents
Why does a pimple of pus appear on the chest?
Not every yellowish lesion on the chest is a pimple of pus, and other lesions can make you think that they are pimples of pus when in reality, they are not. Among them, we can find:
sebaceous hyperplasia
When the sebaceous glands increase in size, they can be seen as granites, but what differentiates them is that they have a slight depression in the center, and when trying to squeeze them, no purulent material will come out. It would help if you didn’t do this, as squeezing them will only cause pain and inflammation.
Montgomery tubers
These are typical structures of the breast. They appear to be small pimples, but in reality, they serve to provide the hydration that the nipple needs. They increase in size during pregnancy and lactation. You also shouldn’t squeeze them if you want to avoid infection.
Fox Fordyce disease
It is about inflammation of the sweat glands of the breast, and they tend to be quite itchy and are more common in the armpits but can also occur in the breast.
Blockage of milk ducts
When the ducts that serve to remove milk from the nipples become clogged, they can lead to inflamed lesions such as small lumps that may contain pus. This can happen even if you are not breastfeeding.
The skin irritation can generate the appearance of inflamed pimples even may contain pus. This type of reaction in the skin of the breast can be caused by:
- Allergy.
- Contact with synthetic garments.
- Use of irritating hygiene products or cosmetics.
- Friction (for example, with clothing when running).
Pimples of pus
Now, if the issue concerns us: a pimple of pus in the breast. If you have squeezed any injury to the nipple, have suffered from cracks, or an injury has become infected, you may have an actual infection. These are small abscesses in the superficial area of the skin. In this case, you will notice:
- Redness of the site.
- Pain.
- Swelling.
- Accumulation of pus
If these symptoms worsen, it is essential that you consult your doctor and do not overlook the situation, as it can be complicated by deeper infections such as mastitis.
How to cure a pus abscess in the chest
To know if an injury corresponds to a pimple with pus or abscess in the breast, you must go to a health center, where they can determine the origin of the damage so that the treatment is appropriate.
Special care should be taken if you suffer from other pathologies in which the defenses are low, such as diabetes.
If you have a pus abscess in your chest, you will most likely be prescribed an antibiotic. If the lesion is microscopic, a cream that usually has anti-inflammatories in addition to antibiotics may be enough. It should be administered as indicated, without exaggeration, because it usually contains corticosteroids.
If the abscess is more extensive, you should probably take the antibiotic by mouth. Depending on the type of injury and how it originated, cephalexin may be indicated in some cases or amoxicillin with clavulanic acid in others.
If the lesion is large, the abscess may need to be opened for faster healing and even more severe infections to be avoided.
To do this, the area is first cleaned with an antiseptic substance (such as iodine or chlorhexidine). After that step, local anesthesia can be placed.
You should know that in the event of significant infections, anesthesia is usually not enough to calm the discomfort in the area, so it may also be good to resort to relaxation methods, mindfulness, or emotional release techniques such as tapping.
Afterward, an incision is made over the lesion so that the pus has a place to come out. If necessary, the area can be compressed to remove as much pus as possible.
After that, a wash is carried out that usually includes the application of iodine and hydrogen peroxide to clean the cavity where there was pus.
The wound should be left a little open so that the secretion that forms continues to come out. A small piece of rubber may be placed on the area to help keep the hole open.
Periodic cures must be carried out. It may be necessary to go to the health center or tell you how to carry out the medications at home. Often clean gauze pads, soap, water, and iodine are sufficient.
Home remedies
You can ask your doctor if you can use any following natural remedies. I must tell you that they have proven healing effects, but sometimes several treatments cannot be superimposed at the same time, so it is recommended that you make the consultation:
- Calendula: the marigold flower is fantastic for reducing inflammation and healing skin lesions due to its healing effect.
- Honey: has proven beneficial effects in treating ulcers and skin infections.
- Chamomile: it is softer, but it also favors inflammation and healing.
Pay attention to your diet.
A significant point is a diet that you should take to heal the injuries faster and more effectively. Avoid those foods that make digestion difficult and generate more inflammation, such as:
- It has processed: foods that have preservatives, additives, colorants, vegetable oils, thickeners, etc.
- Alcohol.
- Refined: white flour, white sugar, and salt are tremendously harmful to your health.
- Excess whole dairy.
- Excess meat.
What are breast cancer pimples like?
Although it is one of the less common forms of appearance of breast cancer, it must also be taken into account when faced with specific lesions. You should pay attention and consult your gynecologist or gynecologist if :
- One or more pimples do not disappear, even with adequate treatment.
- Persistence of lesions.
- Injuries that hurt and bleed.
- Lumps in the breast.
- Bloody discharge from the nipple.
- Suppuration from the skin of the breast.
- Pain in the breast
In the following article, you can learn about breast cancer’s types, symptoms, and treatment.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Pimple with pus in the breast: why it comes out and how to cure it, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.