The skin of the breasts is susceptible and can be subjected to different diseases that cause itching. Most of the time, the causes are benign and straightforward to treat, such as dermatitis or dryness, but there are more severe and complicated cases such as liver disease or a rare tumor.
Next, from FastlyHeal, we present the possible causes of itchy breasts and the treatment that could be indicated in each case.
Table of Contents
Itchy breasts from eczema
An allergy or overreaction to a cream or substance can cause excruciating itchiness. You can see reddened or pimpled skin.
You mustn’t do scratch, if possible, because you make the itching worse, you can hurt yourself and promote an infection.
- The first and most important thing is to avoid what produces the reaction.
- Apply cold to the area.
- When you wash the area, try to use warm or cold water and some mild soap.
- Creams with corticosteroids or oral antiallergics may be necessary, but it depends on the case, and it is best if they are prescribed.
- You can also resort to natural remedies such as chamomile or calendula.
Dry skin or xerosis
Medically known as xerosis, dry skin can contribute to irritation in the breasts and symptoms such as itching and burning. This can be worse in the following cases:
- During or after cancer treatment with radiation therapy.
- Atopic or allergic skin.
- Use of drugs such as corticosteroids, antiacneics, diuretics, or even some oral contraceptives.
- Diseases such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, or kidney problems.
It is also common to see people with exaggerated hygiene since they remove the fatty layer that protects the skin.
- It consists of hydrating the skin, both inside and out.
- A good option is to put natural moisturizers such as sesame or coconut oil, but if you prefer to use a better cream without perfumes or irritants, as neutral and hypoallergenic as possible.
- It is essential to drink water if you feel thirsty and consume various fruits, vegetables, and oils from healthy sources: avocado, fish, flax seeds, or sesame.
Contact dermatitis
The most sensitive skins also tend to suffer from this problem, but it has to do more with the friction of the skin or humidity. Thus, piercing, very tight, or synthetic bras can cause this breast problem. Contact dermatitis causes symptoms such as redness, a rash, and itching.
- You will find the solution by precisely avoiding contact with your breasts with what irritates them.
- In more severe cases, the use of topical medication may be required.
In the following article, we show good home remedies for contact dermatitis.
The skin can be affected by a chronic inflammatory problem called psoriasis. This disease usually causes redness, scales, and a lot of itching. It also usually affects other areas of the skin and even the nails.
As in all cases of itching, you should avoid scratching: you make the sensation worse, and you can hurt yourself.
It is essential to change habits:
- Leave out processed products with sugar, vegetable oils, or unhealthy additives.
- Look for a balanced diet: fruits, vegetables, whole grains.
- Get enough rest both physically and mentally.
Depending on the severity of the condition, topical treatment (corticosteroids, retinoids, vitamin D analogs), oral treatment (retinoids, immunosuppressants), or phototherapy (light treatment) may be required.
Hormonal changes
The skin of the breasts is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. During times of hormonal change, itching can be triggered in them. It is frequent in :
- Adolescence.
- Before menstruation.
- During menopause.
- In pregnancy
- In lactation.
This last case deserves particular comment, and it is that during breastfeeding, the skin of the nipples can be more irritated and moist, with which the itching can be more critical. It would be best to be careful not to injure it, crack or generate a more acute infection called mastitis.
- The most appropriate thing is to only hydrate the skin, both inside and out, as in cases of dry skin.
- To avoid injury, it is best not to scratch yourself.
Nipple infections
It is common, especially in lactation. There may be excess humidity during this period, which mainly favors fungal infection. In addition to itchy breasts, you may notice a burning or even pain in the nipple.
- Try not to scratch so that it does not become superinfected with the skin’s bacteria.
- It is critical to avoid humidity. Without the appropriate medium for this, the fungi will no longer grow.
- Your doctor may also order an antifungal cream. You must ensure that it can be used if you are breastfeeding and still clean the area well before breastfeeding.
General illnesses
The skin may itch with a severe liver or gallbladder problem, but you may first feel the discomfort since the breasts are too sensitive.
Other diseases, such as diabetes, can cause you this type of discomfort.
It will be the same for your chronic problem. Changing habits is critical.
If you want different results, you must do something different. Look at your diet, your rest times, the physical activity, and how you are emotional.
Paget’s disease
A type of inflammatory cancer called Paget’s disease can cause itching and lesions on the skin, but usually, the problem is only in one nipple.
Lesions such as:
- Redness
- Peeling.
- Itch.
- Thicker skin.
It is a sporadic disease, but it must be ruled out in the face of an itchy nipple that cannot be quickly resolved.
It depends on the case, the aggressiveness, and the moment diagnosed, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or hormonal treatment may be required.
In the following article, we expand the information on Paget’s breast disease symptoms and treatment.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Itchy breasts: causes and treatment, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.