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Why does my nose get stuffy at night

by Alivia Nyhan
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The nose is clogged in a more or less common way in many people because it reacts to an external agent, an attack by viruses or bacteria that seek to damage our immune system and defend ourselves against them. These can cause an inflammation of the tissues, called rhinorrhea, or an immune system reaction that generates mucus to eliminate them.

This mucus and irritation is located in the upper part of the nose and can cause the sensation of plugging of the airways, but, in addition, this sensation is usually worse at night. In this FastlyHealarticle, we are going to answer the question of why my nose gets stuffy at night.

Why does my nose get stuffy at night? – Causes

The reasons that make your nose clog when night comes are several, and below, we are going to develop them:

  • Less humidity in the environment: when the room is closed or has no air circulation, the air loses moisture. It becomes harsher when breathed in, irritating the respiratory tract and swelling.
  • They are lying down: the position of our body when stretching makes it difficult for the nostrils to drain correctly, for the mucus to come out and clean because the force of gravity is not applied to the outside of the nasal cavities prevents their cleaning.
  • Allergy: to dust, any element of the mattress, detergent, etc. Our bed can be a great ally of allergens since the mattress, pillow, and sheet fibers can contain large amounts of mites or substances that generate allergic reactions.
  • Deviated septum: many people have the nasal septum, that is, the long bone of the nose, a little turned, which makes one of the two nostrils smaller, and the air circulates with more incredible difficulty. Suppose we sleep on our stomach or side and place ourselves on the opposite side to which we have the deviated septum. In that case, breathing becomes difficult since our most active nostril is blocked due to the body’s pressure. We must perform the respiratory operation by the nostril, with which we have more difficulty. This can cause us to feel like we have a stuffy nose.
  • Sinusitis: Sinusitis is inflammation or infection of the sinuses found on the forehead and the sides of the nose. They swell and can contain large amounts of mucus, which can cause pressure on the eyes, cheeks, or head that can lead to headaches, breathing difficulties, and severe infections. At night, when we go to bed. It can increase this sensation because the condition in the area is not eliminated and lead to the success of having a stuffy nose.
  • Chronic or allergic rhinitis. Many people suffer from minor respiratory allergies that can cause constant and chronic inflammation in the tissues of the nasal area. At night, the inflammation can be aggravated by fatigue and accumulation throughout the day.
  • Damage to the nasal passages caused by direct-acting drugs can occur for many reasons, but a very common aggravation is the use of drugs to unblock the airways daily and with some abuse. If you apply it often, thinking it can help you clear your nostrils, perhaps you are creating the opposite effect since you are generating constant irritation.
  • Lumps and tumors in the area: the appearance of small nasal polyps, bumps, and accumulation of cells or tumors can be another element that influences this respiratory sensation.
  • Increased attention to breathing: often, the nose is subtly blocked throughout the day, but when night falls, and we go to bed, we become aware of this situation since we stop receiving external stimuli and begin to perceive our body with greater attention and clarity, which leads us to recognize the sensation of having a blocked nose and, by being more aware, it seems that it has increased compared to the day.

How to prevent a stuffy nose at night

Here are some tips to prevent a blocked nose at night and have a better night’s rest:

  • Air humidifier: This device in our room helps us maintain high air humidity levels and minor irritation of the nasal passages.
  • Drink plenty of water or infusions: which help to thin the mucus. The inputs of ginger, lemon, honey, or lemon verbena are good allies for eliminating mucus.
  • Do not drink dairy: dairy enhances mucus creation, so avoiding them if we have this ailment will help us feel better and with a more prominent nose.
  • Cross breathing: consists of inhaling through one nostril, covering the opposite with the fingers, and exhaling through the other nostril, covering with the fingers of the other nostril. Subsequently, it is carried out with the opposite pits. That is, we inhale from the left, we exhale from the right; We inhale from the right, and we exhale from the left.
  • Cleaning and ventilation of the bedroom: keeping the area where we sleep clean and ventilated can rid us of mites and improve allergies.

Stuffy nose: remedies

If prevention has not been enough, your nose is already blocked, and it is difficult for you to breathe, we present the following list of remedies with which you can act and improve your situation:

  • I am placing a warm wet compress on the nose to improve blood flow and increase air humidity levels.
  • Saltwater or physiological saline: apply a cleaning with salty water or saline solution to the area to eliminate external elements and mucus.
  • Perform circular massages with the fingertips, applying force to the areas of the lateral and upper sinuses, that is, to the bone found in the cheeks and between the eyebrows. Tapping with the fingertips is also suitable. We can place a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil for a more significant impact.
  • Make eucalyptus or mint mist before going to sleep. It will facilitate the cleaning of the area, the elimination of excess mucus, and the sensation of freshness and uncovering of the nostrils.
  • Elevate the head by placing two or more cushions to lie down, but keep the head high to improve mucus secretion to the outside.
  • Use of drugs: if it is repeated very often and causes a severe well-being problem due to possible infection or severe respiratory issues, you should see your doctor and follow the pharmacological treatment he proposes.

In the following FastlyHealarticle, you can see more home remedies for nasal congestion.

This article is merely informative; at FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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