In children, nosebleeds, or epistaxis, is a common ailment that can seem a bit violent since the bleeding can be strong and constant, but it does not have to pose a risk or disease to the person who suffers.
Due to their physical characteristics, some people are more likely to suffer nosebleeds, and this is especially true in boys and girls in their growth stage. The reasons for these bleeds are highly variable, and we will learn about them in this FastlyHealarticle, in which we will also explain how to stop nosebleeds in a child step by step.
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Nosebleeds in children: causes
The nose tends to bleed due to a deterioration of the mucous membranes’ blood vessels and cellular tissue found in the nasal passages. The causes of nosebleeds can be diverse. Here we present the most common:
- Placing objects or fingers in the nose: in childhood, a typical behavior is to pick the nose when the existence of some foreign element is noticed, which can cause wounds in the area and irritations. In addition, another expected behavior among children is the placement of objects or external factors in the nostrils, which can lead to an obstruction of the airways and damage the skin in the area.
- Irritations caused by colds or allergies: the walls of the nose are made up of mucous cellular tissue that can become irritated and create minor wounds that bleed. It is an area with many small veins that can break with the irritations generated by the existence of solid mucus or the force of the air that circulates when we sneeze. It is one of the most common reasons for nosebleeds.
- Trauma and blows: another aspect to consider is the trauma or blows that the child may have received while playing or in a fall. It is usual for the nose to bleed when hitting the face or head, as it creates minor internal bleeding. It is essential that if the blow has been decisive, a doctor is consulted immediately so that he can analyze the possible collateral damage of the crash.
- Air conditioners or hot airs: create environmental dryness, and when breathing air that does not contain moisture, it can develop irritations and generate minor cuts in the respiratory system since the body cannot generate mucus that protects the nasal cavity from small external elements, like dust particles or pollen.
- Malformations of the area include the deviated septum, a slight bulge, etc. Any malformation generated in the growth stage can cause bleeding in the nose since it can scratch the nasal cavity walls.
- Nasal Polyps: Polyps are bumps created by masses of fleshy tissue on the mucous membranes. They are not harmful to health or malignant and grow slowly. Depending on their size, they must be removed from the body, or the mucosa may absorb them. These polyps can generate irritations caused by constant friction involving common bleeding.
- Diseases that involve the application of medicines or materials through the nose: people who suffer from other diseases and need the application of objects or drugs on a daily or regular basis through the nose may suffer the consequences of this application with wounds in the area that creates bleeds.
How to stop nosebleeds in a child
If your son or daughter suffers regular bleeding or you work somewhere with children, you may find yourself with doubts about this bleeding situation, and you do not know how to act. In this FastlyHealarticle, we want to help you in such cases and offer you our knowledge to work in the most convenient way possible. Take note of what you must do to stop a nosebleed in a child:
- First of all, you must stay calm. Nosebleeds in children can be a bit violent because a large amount of blood can come out since it is an area where many blood vessels converge. This fact does not turn the bleeding into something dangerous by itself; it will depend on its cause, which will indicate the degree of danger.
- To continue caring for the child, from a calm, relaxed and safe attitude, we must make the child sit on a chair, bench or surface and put his head forward so that the blood can come out and flow. We should never stretch the child or ask him to put his head back, as it could obstruct the respiratory passages.
- Use your thumb and index finger and place them over the bottom of the child’s nose, pinching the nostrils. Ask the infant to breathe through his mouth. With this pressure, we can stop the bleeding since the pressure exerted on the damaged blood vessel allows it to clog with its blood, and the platelets can stop the bleeding.
- Hold the pressure for 10 minutes, and then release your nose. If the bleeding continues, repeat the operation performed.
- Refresh the child by putting water on the back of his neck, on his hands, and gently washing his face.
- Once the bleeding has stopped, the child mustn’t carry out activities that require great physical effort since blood loss can weaken him, and overexertion could damage his nasal tissue again.
We advise that you carry out the operation above using a tissue to avoid staining yourself and so that the blood is not so visible. You can also use distraction resources during the ten minutes in which you will hold the child’s nose. Telling a story or playing a mental game can distract the child and allow him to relax at the impression of bleeding.
When should I see a doctor for a nosebleed in a child?
In the case of not being able to stop the nasal bleeding after applying three times the pressure in the infant’s nasal cavity, that is, if more than 30 minutes have passed and the bleeding does not stop, you should go to the doctor to analyze the case.
You should also visit the pediatrician if you suspect an external element in the child’s nasal cavity since the professional must perform its extraction with care and guarantees of success.
If the bleeding is due to a blow or trauma to the head area, you must see a doctor since the internal damage caused by the impacts is not immediately visible.
It is also advisable to go to the doctor if the child who has suffered the bleeding begins to feel dizzy or faints as if it is a prevalent ailment.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to How to stop nosebleeds in a child , we recommend that you enter our Ear, Nose and Throat category .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.