Tongue biting is an accident that we all have from time to time, and it usually occurs when we are distracted while eating or hitting our jaw. In most cases it does not represent a very big problem, which is limited only to pain at the moment and for a short time after the bite. However, some people may bite their tongue while they are asleep, which can be a bigger problem due to interrupted sleep at the moment or waking up with a sore tongue, plus it may well be a sign of another. underlying disease. If you are one of these people and you have wondered why I bite my tongue while sleeping?, in this FastlyHealarticle we will try to answer your question and give you some advice, so we invite you to continue reading.
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Biting the tongue due to oral disorders
The variations in people’s mouths can make it more common for some to bite their tongue than for others as they facilitate the interposition of the tongue between the teeth. Basically it usually happens in two cases:
Bad dental position
This means that the teeth are not correctly aligned so the brain automatically tries to place the tongue in a position that encompasses those spaces present in the malocclusion, which causes the person during sleep to bite it.
Alterations in the position of the teeth can be corrected with a visit to the dentist, specifically with an orthodontic specialist. Orthodontic treatment can improve how often a person bites their tongue, as well as other problems related to the articulation of the teeth.
Lingual pathologies
The most common example of this is the condition known as macroglossia, which is the name given to a language when it is much larger than what is considered normal. Being larger than it should be, the person is more prone to biting the tongue, either in sleep or awake, since it exerts pressure on the teeth due to not having enough space.
If a person suffers from macroglossia, it is recommended that they consult with an oral or maxillofacial surgeon about the possibility of performing a surgery that aims to reduce the size of the tongue.
Biting your tongue from sleep disorders
It may also be the case that people with oral conditions that can be considered normal tend to bite their tongues while they sleep because they suffer from other types of alterations that cause the movement of the jaw while they sleep:
It is an unconscious habit which consists of the person clenching or grinding their teeth while they sleep to release the tension that they have accumulated during the day, with consequences such as head discomfort, facial, neck and tooth pain. Because people who brux are not able to control the movements of their jaw as they are asleep, they are also not able in some cases to avoid biting their tongue if it comes between the teeth, as well as the cheeks or lips.
If the nocturnal bites are accompanied by tooth, head or neck pain when waking up, the ideal is to attend the dentist since it is probably bruxism . The dentist can make a device called a splint, which has the function of protecting the teeth while you sleep, but even more important is to control the state of stress that can be the cause of bruxism. In this sense, the following tips to reduce stress can help you .
Hyperactivity during sleep
A very common type of sleep disorder is that of people who move in their sleep in reaction to their dreams. A good example of this is a person who dreams that they are eating something, imitating the movements with their mouth without being aware of it and, therefore, being prone to biting, in the same way are those who speak in their sleep or suffer from somnambulism .
Getting a full rest is necessary to reduce the frequency of hyperactivity disorders during sleep, which is why it is essential to reduce stress and properly relax a few hours before sleeping. Drinking tea to help you fall asleep can also be effective. Here are some relaxing infusions to sleep well .
Tongue biting from neurological disorders
It occurs in those people who suffer from epilepsy mainly. It is a brain disorder in which the person suffers from repeated seizures, that is, their brain sends excessive nerve signals that produce involuntary muscle contractions. These seizure episodes can occur at any time, even while sleeping, making them prone to biting.
In these cases it is advisable to attend the neurologist , who will indicate some routine tests to diagnose epilepsy or brain injury. The specialist may indicate some medications that the person should take to control nerve impulses and thus avoid seizures that lead to biting the tongue when sleeping.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I bite my tongue while sleeping , we recommend that you enter our category of Mental Disorders .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.