Home Mental disordersSleep problems Somniloquia: treatment and causes

Somniloquia: treatment and causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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A pervasive and harmless sleep disorder is somniloquism, nothing more than talking while asleep. It can be clumsy and unintelligible speech or one that is clearer in volume. Likewise, the emitted words are not necessarily related to what is being dreamed; they can often be random or comments without any meaning.

This disorder is considered parasomnia; it consists of brief episodes and does not alter sleep; even the person waking up does not remember having spoken at some point. Regardless of age or gender, anyone can begin to talk in their sleep, but it is more present in men and is more common during childhood. This disorder does not represent a problem, but if you want to know more about somniloquia: treatment and causes, in this FastlyHealarticle, we inform you about it.

Causes of sleepiness

You are speaking and making a sound at some point. At the same time, asleep is considered a sporadic episode that can occur without apparent cause and does not necessarily have to be related to diseases or other sleep disorders. However, some aspects that must be taken into consideration are the person’s age, since it is more common for children to present this disorder. It tends to decrease or disappear with advancing age and family history; although it is not proven, you may be more likely to develop sleepiness if someone in your family has had it.

On the other hand, if sleep talk is accompanied by other behaviors and affects the person’s well-being, it is likely a symptom of some other problem. In this case, it is necessary to go to a specialist to detect what is causing it. Is originating and being able to solve it. Some possible triggers for sleepiness are:

  • Sleepwalking.
  • Suffering from night terrors or catatonia
  • Practice lousy eating habits, especially those at night.
  • I was being overworked.
  • Suffering from stress or anxiety
  • Carry out demanding physical activities and get little rest.
  • To have a fever.
  • Consume some medicine.
  • We were drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking.
  • Consume drugs.
  • I have a mental disorder.

Treatment to combat sleepiness

If talking in sleep is constant and lasting, is related to other disorders that affect the quality of life, or is very annoying for the roommate, a consultation with the specialist can be made. Otherwise, it is unnecessary to follow the treatment as it does not represent a health problem.

Since sleepiness is not a disease, there is no way to eliminate it, especially if it appears on its own. However, with the doctor’s help, it is possible to reduce the episodes or try to identify if there is any cause. It is essential to determine when the disorder may have started and inform the specialist of your eating habits, medical history, and other daily activities. In addition, it is advisable to create a sleep diary to identify any behavior pattern that could be related to the problem.

On the other hand, when the cause is evident, it is straightforward to combat sleepiness, especially when it is a symptom of consuming certain things or bad habits, since it is enough to remove them and notice improvements quickly. While, in the case of sleep disorders or illnesses, the treatment may include psychotherapy and the administration of drugs as the case may be, and for this, you must follow a constant control with the specialist.

Other tips for not talking when sleeping

In addition to the conventional treatment recommended by the specialist, modifying some habits can promote a better state of rest and help reduce episodes of sleepiness. These measures include:

  • Sleep no less than 7 hours a night and having more time to rest reduces stress and anxiety.
  • The bedroom should be in a quiet area, without noise, and remain dark at night. It is advisable not to sleep with lighting, and if necessary, you can use a small led light lamp.
  • The bed, pillows, and sheets must be comfortable and soft fabric. If your body hurts when you wake up or you feel discomfort in your neck, it is necessary to change the mattress or pillows to ones that better fit your head.
  • Use the bed only to sleep, avoid reading in it, listening to music, surfing the Internet, or watching TV. In this way, the bed is associated with the hours of rest.
  • Practice exercise routines; it will help your health reduce stress and better rest. It is advisable not to do it one or two hours before going to sleep.
  • Do activities that reduce stress and anxiety, for example, yoga, flower therapy, and meditation, among others.
  • Avoid consuming drinks or foods that contain alcohol, caffeine, or sugar at night, as they disrupt sleep.
  • Do not eat before going to bed or reduce the amount of food at dinner; it is also essential that you do not eat those that can make you very heavy.
  • Spend most of the day outdoors or in indirect sunlight; this helps the brain associate light with being awake and darkness with hours of rest.
  • Take a few minutes before going to bed to relax; you can read a little, listen to music or take a hot bath.
  • Set times to get up and sleep, always doing it at the same time you set, even on weekends.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Somniloquia: treatment and causes , we recommend that you enter our category of Mental disorders.


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