Home WelfareGeneral well-being What is vitamin B6 for?

What is vitamin B6 for?

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Vitamin B6 is a substance made up of pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine. It is a water-soluble substance, that is, it dissolves in water, which makes it impossible for the body to store it, being essential to supply the body with this vitamin regularly. The body absorbs the small amount it needs and the rest is discharged through the urine.

Vitamin B6 is needed for the correct functioning of numerous active enzymes in all body tissues, it benefits the metabolization of different substances such as amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so it is required to have the correct level of this nutrient in the body. Suffering from a vitamin B6 deficiency can be quite common due to the large number of processed foods that are commonly consumed. This disorder can lead to symptoms such as mouth and tongue ulcers, depression, irritability, confusion, and peripheral neuropathy.

On the other hand, a high dose of this vitamin can cause numbness in different parts of the body, sensory changes and difficulty coordinating movements. Perhaps this nutrient is one of the least known of the B complex, so this time at FastlyHealwe want you to know what vitamin B6 is for .

Vitamin B6 produces antibodies

Having the correct level of vitamin B6 in the body guarantees a correct production of antibodies, necessary to keep bacteria, viruses, parasites and any type of agent that can cause different damages in the body away. With vitamin B6 benefiting the antibody protein, the immune system becomes much stronger and some common disorders such as colds or flu are avoided.

In other words, the main function of antibodies is to neutralize elements external to the body that can cause some type of disorder. Once they are produced, they remain in the body for several months, so it is highly recommended to consume vitamin B6 if more antibodies are needed.

Pyridoxine maintains normal neurological function

If you want to know what vitamin B6 is for, we anticipate that another of the many enzymes that this nutrient benefits is the aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, which is found in the brain and is primarily responsible for catalyzing the synthesis of neurotransmitters, causing the nervous system to function properly constantly.

The correct production of neurotransmitters requires the perfect level of vitamin B6 in the body. In addition, this nutrient is also involved in the formation of myelin, a layer of fat with the function of covering the nerves and helping nerve stimuli to be transmitted quickly. The correct amounts of vitamin B6 can prevent neurological disorders such as epilepsy .

Detoxifies the liver thanks to vitamin B6

To be healthy, the body needs to eliminate unwanted chemicals found in the blood. The main organs for filtering these substances are the kidneys and the liver, a process carried out through two important steps: the first is to make the chemicals to be eliminated soluble, and the second is to separate these chemicals and eliminate the unnecessary ones.

To make the chemicals in the blood soluble, the body needs vitamin B6, which is why it is considered an essential nutrient for all people and it is recommended to include foods that are rich in pyridoxine in the daily diet.

Levels the amount of sugar in the blood

Having altered blood sugar levels can cause different pathologies, such as diabetes. This occurs when there is little production of insulin, the hormone produced by the pancreas responsible for controlling blood glucose, or there is resistance to it.

Adequate amounts of vitamin B6 in the body can guarantee the stimulation of insulin production at ideal levels, optimizing its function and considerably reducing the risk of diabetes or any type of disorder caused by the amount of unbalanced blood glucose.

Vitamin B6 helps make red blood cells

Another function of vitamin B6 is the production of red blood cells, because it is involved in the synthesis of the heme group, an essential component of hemoglobin that has a high content of iron. Red blood cells are essential for the body, as they are responsible for transporting oxygen to cells and keeping them healthy.

Having red blood cells below the normal level can cause different disorders because the organs or tissues do not have the necessary oxygen for their proper functioning. For this reason, it is totally advisable to consume different foods that can provide vitamin B6 to the body and, in this way, avoid an alteration in hemoglobin.

Main sources of vitamin B6

The way to acquire vitamin B6 is through food. This nutrient can be found mainly in:

  • The avocado or avocado.
  • Legumes, highlighting the dried beans.
  • The corn.
  • The banana.
  • Fortified poultry and cereals.

It is important not to consume more than the recommended value per day:

  • For babies from 0 to 12 months, between 0.1 mg until 6 months and then 0.3 mg.
  • Children 1 to 13 years, 0.5 mg up to 9 years and 1.0 mg up to 13 years.
  • Men and women from the age of 14, from 1.3 mg per day to 1.5 mg.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is vitamin B6 for , we recommend that you enter our Well-being category .

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