Home Brain and nervesDizziness What causes my sudden dizziness when I move?

What causes my sudden dizziness when I move?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Many people who suffer from frequent dizziness do not pay attention to this symptom because they think that it is not a serious disorder. Generally, those who suffer from dizziness when getting up, turning their head or cleaning think that they only suffer from the well-known positional vertigo, attributing the fault to the cervicals; however, this is not usually totally correct because this alteration can be a symptom of various alterations.

Although many patients associate dizziness with vertigo, this is not always the case, so it is important that a consultation with a doctor is made and the type of discomfort that is generated and at what times it appears is precisely detailed. If you are one of those who wonder why when I turn my head I get dizzy , we invite you to continue reading the following FastlyHealarticle to find out this answer.

Dizziness when lowering the head due to Ménière’s syndrome

The disturbances in the ear can be closely related to dizziness when the head is turned. The most common and well-known pathology is the so-called Ménière syndrome, which causes balance disorders and also affects hearing.

In Ménière’s pathology, the internal tubes in the inner ear are affected, which are known as labyrinths. They are attached to the nerve in the skull and are responsible for interpreting the position of the body and staying stable without losing balance. Although the exact cause of the disorder is unknown , it is essential to consult a specialist to undergo the correct treatment. In this way, the symptoms caused by this disease such as hearing pressure, ringing felt in the affected ear, hearing loss and, of course, vertigo and dizziness can be eliminated .

Dizziness from eye problems

Vision difficulties are nothing more than various anomalies caused by the ocular system and there are different types. Farsightedness and myopia are the longest-term and most common sight problems in almost every society in the world. According to the type of difficulty, vision alterations can manifest itself in double vision, that there is a deficit in the visual field, seeing rays or points, blurred or distorted vision of an object, among others.

Although each pathology has characteristic symptoms of each one, most visual problems cause frequent symptoms in almost all cases. Depending on which specific part of the difficulty develops, the patient may suffer from:

  • Migraines
  • Chewing discomfort.
  • Fatigue.
  • Vomiting
  • Of course, dizziness that appears mainly when moving the head quickly .

I get dizzy when I turn my head to cervical

If you wonder why when I turn my head I get dizzy, one reason could be cervical problems , which are increasingly common in people of any age and gender. This is due to the bad posture that is taken, mainly, using various technological products such as a mobile phone or a computer. These alterations in the cervical area can cause various symptoms that are very annoying for the patient, including dizziness when moving the head.

To eliminate the symptoms caused by these cervical problems, it is essential to consult a professional and strictly follow their instructions. It is possible that he prescribes some drugs for the area and that he prohibits certain exercises at the same time as advising others that can be totally beneficial for this type of alteration. In the following FastlyHealarticle we will talk to you in more depth about cervical dizziness .

When should I go to a neurologist if I get dizzy?

Frequent dizziness can be one of the most common reasons for visits to neurologists . It is essential to consult these types of specialists when:

  • Dizziness causes a feeling of faintness.
  • A person feels movement around him even when sitting or still
  • Dizziness is described by the name spaced out feeling , that is, having the feeling of being distant from your own body or the environment in which you are.

Depending on the type of dizziness, the doctor will be able to determine what disorder is being experienced and offer the most appropriate treatment for each case.

In many cases it happens that dizziness and dizziness that are aggravated by movement of the head cause pain in the neck, which is the opposite of what many people believe; however, on certain occasions cervical disorders can also cause this balance disorder in some people, so it is essential to consult a doctor and know exactly the cause of dizziness.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I get dizzy when I turn my head , we recommend that you enter our Brain and Nerves category .

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