Dizziness is a common symptom in many diseases, but it is also a frequent reason for consultation in medical emergencies. Treatment will be individualized depending on the symptoms and causes of dizziness. The duration and accompanying symptoms are crucial in determining the cause of dizziness.
It is essential to differentiate dizziness from vertigo , a situation that we tend to confuse and believe that they are synonymous, vertigo happens when things revolve around people, on the other hand, with dizziness you feel confusion and disorientation.
Most people have experienced this feeling of imbalance or instability, and many times it is necessary to sit down and rest for a while to be able to return to activity. But what generates the feeling of continuous dizziness ? At FastlyHeal , we bring you the information you need to know that dizziness is not normal, it is an alert on the health of your body and that it is also important to see a doctor. Find out the causes of constant dizziness below.
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Constant dizzy feeling: causes
From the most common to the least frequent, the feeling of continuous dizziness can be caused by:
- Anemia: generates a feeling of dizziness and tiredness, it is normal to feel dizzy due to the small amount of hemoglobin present in our blood that is responsible for transporting oxygen to different vital organs such as the brain. This situation is also known as a lack of iron in the body.
- Dehydration: product of strenuous activities, exercising without adequate hydration, prolonged exposure to the sun or a decrease in the amount of water that is ingested. All of this can lead to ongoing dizziness.
- Taking medications: sudden dizziness as a side effect of taking some drugs. It is important that once you take the medicine and feel dizzy, you go to the doctor who is the one to suspend or change the treatment.
- Hypotension: or also known as orthostatic hypotension , this occurs when blood pressure drops sharply and blood does not reach the brain adequately, causing a sensation of fainting and the sensation of dizziness. This is common when waking up and getting up or during strenuous exercise.
- Feeling dizzy due to anxiety: due to psychological disturbances. This is widely related to situations that generate panic attacks, altering breathing, in turn causing intense dizziness accompanied by shortness of breath, insomnia, tremors and tingling in the mouth and hands and feet. This is worse in stressful situations.
- Hypertension: it also causes dizziness, including fainting, headaches and blurred vision.
- Migraine – Often times, people with severe headaches may have bouts of dizziness. This will last from minutes to hours and is also associated with sensitivity to light, medically known as photophobia, and loud noises.
- Labyrinthitis : manifested by vertigo, this in turn is dizziness accompanied by nausea caused by problems in the ear. It manifests itself while lying down and making sideways head movements.
- Hypoglycemia: that is, low blood sugar concentration, dizziness or lightheadedness may appear, accompanied by sweating and anxiety, especially when the person is not complying with treatment and has metabolically decompensated.
- Ménière’s disease : the inner ear is injured and there is dizziness accompanied by pain and buzzing in the affected ear. This is medically called tinnitus.
- Neurological disorders: such as Parkinson’s disease, which can manifest dizziness and loss of balance.
- Visual disturbances: difficulty seeing near and far, farsightedness and myopia respectively, as well as cataract and glaucoma can also generate feelings of continuous dizziness due to the fact that the person cannot focus well, causing instability and imbalance.
What to do in case of continuous feeling of dizziness
Without a doubt, the solution is to treat the underlying cause. Also, as a primary measure, you should remain calm, try to keep your eyes open by visualizing a fixed object for a few seconds so that the dizziness quickly ceases. Of course, stressful situations should be avoided, as well as reducing high sugar consumption and smoking.
In the same way, it is recommended to go to the indicated specialist, according to the affectation to be treated, which includes a neurologist, ENT or ophthalmologist.
In addition, to remove the feeling of constant dizziness, we recommend:
- Avoid sudden changes in posture , for example, in bed before getting up, it is advisable to get up slowly and stay seated for a few minutes.
- Perform relaxation or stretching exercises and massages in situations of anxiety or stress.
- Rest enough hours. This implies sleeping at least eight hours a day.
- In case of dizziness due to iron deficiency, the doctor or specialist will indicate the appropriate supplements. At FastlyHeal , we recommend that you improve your diet by including foods that contain iron , such as red meat, legumes, broccoli and parsley, as well as including vitamin C as a supplement.
Natural remedies to combat the feeling of continuous dizziness
To improve symptoms, the use of natural medicine is also recommended, such as ginger used to improve dizziness, nausea and vomiting. The lavender, meanwhile, improves nervous disorders and ginkgo biloba improves circulation.
There are many reasons why dizziness can occur in people, however, it is recommended that once this situation occurs accompanied by any of the other symptoms, you go to the doctor to find the cause and treat it properly.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Feeling of continuous dizziness: causes , we recommend that you enter our category of Brain and nerves .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.