Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Symptoms of low glucose in pregnancy

Symptoms of low glucose in pregnancy

by Alivia Nyhan
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Keeping glucose levels under control in pregnancy is very important. For this reason, between weeks 24 and 28, the O’Sullivan test, commonly known as the “sugar test,” is carried out to detect alterations of this substance in the pregnant woman’s body and see if she suffers or may suffer from gestational diabetes. However, regardless of whether you have diabetes, low glucose levels (hypoglycemia) can occur from time to time. Sugar drops usually happen, especially when the woman is fasting or has an empty stomach. Hypoglycemia is not severe during pregnancy, but it can lead to situations that must be controlled, such as possible dizziness. In addition, it is something that you have to keep an eye on and try to control blood sugar levels since the baby could be born weak or with low weight. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain the symptoms of low glucose in pregnancy.

Causes of hypoglycemia in pregnancy

Low blood sugar while pregnant is usually due, to a greater extent, to eating habits. Eating little or late and having an empty stomach for a long time can cause glucose levels to drop dramatically.

It is also common for glucose to drop with heavy exercise. If the pregnant woman is stressed, tired or weary, or even from overwork, it can cause low blood sugar. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the activities that are carried out during this period. You have to know when to stop and rest.

On other occasions, hypoglycemia may be due to insulin treatment itself, which, if the administration of this is excessive, can cause glucose to fall too low. Insulin breaks down glucose, but doing so at certain levels could cause blood sugar to drop.

Symptoms of low glucose in pregnancy

The characteristic symptoms of hypoglycemia in pregnancy are:


It is the main symptom. When the sugar levels are deficient, the sensation of dizziness appears, and even the pregnant woman could pass out. They can also cause lightheadedness or confusion.


One of the main symptoms of low blood sugar is tremors, usually general or handshaking.


Anxiety may be due to low blood sugar levels, but, in addition, during pregnancy, it could be accentuated by the hormonal changes that occur.

Fatigue and a lot of tiredness

Since sugar levels are low, the body expends more energy than it obtains, and, as a consequence, the pregnant woman feels sleepy and very tired.


Low sugar levels during pregnancy also cause insomnia and poor sleep. In addition, this insomnia is often accompanied by excessive sweating and even creates depression or mood swings.

Other symptoms may also appear due to hypoglycemia, such as rapid heartbeat, agitation, paleness, lack of concentration, blurred vision, or temporary loss of consciousness.

In any case and, above all, if the symptoms are severe, go to the doctor so that he can treat them if necessary. When blood does not reach the brain properly due to a lack of glucose, it can put mother and baby at risk. However, the symptoms are usually not severe and they know how to control the situation. Nothing will happen to the baby or the mother following certain eating habits.

What to do if you have low glucose in pregnancy

Perhaps in the face of low glucose levels, you think it is best to take sugar or some food that contains it. However, this is a mistake.

Certain sugars called fast absorption, such as white sugar itself, honey, jams, soft drinks, or even the one contained in fruit, are quickly assimilated by the body and go into the blood, causing glucose to rise. In this way, the pancreas secretes insulin so that sugars pass more easily from the blood to the organs. But this is not the solution since being rapidly absorbed; another drop may occur after the time (possibly two hours).

For this reason, this type of food can be a momentary solution but not the definitive one, much less the basis of our diet if we suffer from hypoglycemia.

It is best to add carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed into your diet, such as bread and cereals, legumes, pasta and rice, corn, potatoes … And even better if they are whole.

In addition, as we have seen, this drop in sugar occurs when the stomach is empty. Therefore, it is vital to eat several light meals a day. You can include the fruit between meals, such as at lunch in the middle of the morning or for a snack.

If you have low blood sugar and feel like you’re getting dizzy or confused, or groggy, it’s best to tell someone and immediately lie down on the floor. Raising your legs or lying on your left side will improve circulation to reach your head and heart well. If you are doing any risky activity such as driving, it is best to stop.

Always carry something with you that you can eat that helps you raise your sugar levels, such as a cereal bar, whole wheat bread, or a piece of fruit. Of course, afterward, do not forget to continue making the necessary meals and, above all, do not delay them.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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