Home Teeth and mouthDental health Smoking After Removing Wisdom Teeth

Smoking After Removing Wisdom Teeth

by Alivia Nyhan
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“Can I smoke after having my wisdom tooth removed?” “Could this have consequences for my health?” The dentist provides all the necessary indications so that the healing process is much better after the extraction of the wisdom tooth; therefore, at FastlyHealwe recommend that you continue reading this article.

Smoking generates multiple effects throughout the body, including the central nervous system, blood vessels, heart, lungs, and circulatory system, further delaying the healing process of any wound. At FastlyHeal, we answer the question, “can you smoke after wisdom tooth extraction?”. In addition, we explain to you which postoperative recommendations to comply with after the intervention.

Can I smoke if I have had a wisdom tooth removed?

Within the effects of smoking on wound healing, it is essential to know that tobacco indirectly prevents fibrinolytic activity, thus delaying wound healing.

Although some dentists comment that you can smoke 24 hours after a tooth extraction, if the extraction is from the wisdom tooth, that is, from one of the wisdom teeth, this time should be extended. As it is a surgical intervention, the healing process is much more complex, and medically this follows a specific function:

  • An inflammatory process is triggered.
  • The clot forms.
  • Tissue is formed with a high content of fibroblasts that tend to revascularize on the surface.

In this sense, it can be said that nicotine has specific effects on the healing of the periodontal area:

  1. Affects micro-irrigation: increasing bleeding.
  2. It involves fibroblasts: decreasing their proliferation.
  3. It affects the connective tissue and bone: interfering with the production and attachment to the cell surface.
  4. Acts the root surface: preventing cell adhesion.

Other health effects of tobacco

In addition to the effects of smoking on wound healing, we must not forget that cigarettes have countless chemicals such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and tar …, which are entirely harmful to the body. and they can generate:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Obstructive respiratory diseases.
  3. Lung cancer .
  4. Aesthetic skin problems.
  5. Dental complications

Find out in the following article about other health effects of tobacco.

Aftercare after wisdom tooth extraction

The most important recommendations after the extraction of wisdom teeth, in addition to avoiding smoking (this prevents blood clotting and causing an increase in bleeding, are the following:

  • Do not eat for the first 3 hours.
  • Avoid physical exertion for the first 24 hours.
  • It would help if you did not take a shower with hot water.
  • The mouth should not be rinsed intensively and aggressively for the first three days.
  • It is recommended to apply ice on the cheek for about 20 minutes.

If any other discomfort appears, it is essential to consult a doctor for an individual evaluation immediately.

More information on this by consulting the article Caring for after wisdom tooth extraction.

When can I start smoking again after removing my wisdom tooth?

The most convenient and advisable thing is to resume smoking after at least three weeks after the extraction of the wisdom tooth. In this way, any complications that the nicotine and chemical substances of the cigarette may generate in the oral cavity make the wound healing process difficult.

Waiting for the appropriate period guarantees that the healing or improvement process is much faster; however, the indications and recommendations of the dentist should always be taken into account.

What happens if I smoke after a tooth extraction?

Apart from interfering with the healing process, resuming the habit of smoking right after the intervention can cause other symptoms such as tachycardia and tachypnea due to the increase in adrenaline synthesis.

On the other hand, a dry socket can be generated, implying that the blood clot will not form specifically in the place of tooth extraction, leaving this area directly exposed to all the amount of food ingested after the extraction. In addition to cigarettes, the site is much more sensitive to infectious processes.

Dependence on cigarette smoking can be extreme in some people; however, the dentist will recommend not to resume smoking until the wound has healed if wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth are removed.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can, I smoke if I had a wisdom tooth removed? We recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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